The Door

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We all stood there for about 5 minutes arguing on who did it. No one ever came clean. Wadsworth said

"Hey like we said earlier, the killer must be outside!"

"Well then what do you suppose we do?" Colonel Mustard asked

"Stay inside." Mr. Green said as he fixed his glasses

"What are we going to stay in here forever?" Asked Mrs. White

"Of course not." Said Professor Plum

I just stood in a corner not believing what just happened. If we do call the police we are all suspects. What if they don't believe me that I didn't do it. I just wanted to leave, but I couldn't knowing that there is a possible murderer out there.

"What if the murderer gets in the house?" Asked Mr. Green

"Oh don't be ridiculous, all the doors are locked." Said Wadsworth

"What about the windows?" Asked Mrs. Peacock

"....well, hopefully those are locked also." Wadsworth said nervously

Mrs. White walked over to the window, and didn't move any locks and just put her hand on the handle to see if it was locked. She was able to open it very easily.

"Well, we're in trouble." Mrs. White said calmly

"Oh God!" Screamed Mr. Green

"Maybe it was just that one?" Yvette suggested

Colonel Mustard walked to a different window. He put his hand on the handle and looked at us with fear. Again, it opened very easily.

"Well, looks like we're all going to die." Said Colonel Mustard

"Oh don't be ridiculous, us as a group makes us strong. The murderer doesn't stand a chance against all of us." Wadsworth said with very little hope in his voice

"What if there is more than one killer out there?" Asked Mrs. Peacock

"Well then I do suppose we would be in a bit of a pickle." Wadsworth said

"We all need a weapon just in case." Said Colonel Mustard as he walked up to Wadsworth

"Where are we going to get a weapon, we're not in a hunting store." Replied Wadsworth

"The kitchen." Yvette said out loud

"You're right." Wadsworth responded as he turned to Yvette

We all walked over to the kitchen very slowly. Once we arrived to the kitchen Wadsworth was opening some of the drawers that we could get a weapon from. All of a sudden we hear another big bang. We all were scared until we realized it was just a door.

"What if it was the murderer who shut the door?" Mrs. Peacock asked

"Uh, did we close the windows?" Wadsworth asked

"I'll go check." Colonel Mustard replied

Colonel Mustard walked out of the kitchen. We all stuck our heads out of the kitchen door watching colonel Mustard approach the door. He puts his hand on the door knob and twists. He quickly pushes it open and jumps out of the doorway. Once the door was opened all the way he peeked around the corner to see only the cook lying on the couch. He said

"No, nobody is in here, and the windows are open."

Wadsworth walked over to the study and looked in, he then walked over to the windows and closed both of them. We all walked back to the kitchen to get a weapon.

"We only have knives really." Said Wadsworth

"Well, the murderer has a gun. The poor cook was shot." Said Mrs. White

Professor Plum walked out of the kitchen. He just stood there watching the front door.

"What are you doing?" Asked Miss Scarlet

"I thought I heard something." Professor Plum replied

I walked over to Professor Plum.

"What did it sound like?" I asked

"I don't know, it was probably just the rain." He replied

We both walked back into the kitchen.
Thump Thump

"There it is again!" Professor Plum shouted

We all rush out of the kitchen into the hallway.

"Sounds like it came from outside." Said Professor Plum

We all walk slowly to the front door. Everyone has a knife except me and Professor Plum. We're at the door.

"Open it." Said Miss Scarlet

Professor Plum turns and looks at her with a death stare. He turns back and looks at the door. He walks up the steps and puts his hand on the door knob. He quickly opens it. It was a man. Once everyone realized it was just a man, they all put there weapons behind there back.

"Hello?" The strange man said

"Hi" Professor Plum responded

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb everyone." The strange man replied

Wadsworth walks up to the door. He slightly moves Professor Plum out of the way so he can greet the man.

"No worries" Wadsworth replied

I took a closer look at the man. It was a police officer.

"How can I help you?" Wadsworth said kind of nervously

"I just wanted to check up on people. This storm is getting wilder and wilder every minute." The man replied

"Oh, yes ... well, we are all in good hands here." Wadsworth says while giving the police officer a smile

"I see, may I use your phone?" The police officer asked

"Certainly." Wadsworth says really loud

The officer smiled at Wadsworth.

"Do come in, sir." Wadsworth said as he opened the door a bit more

The man walked in and Mrs. White closed the door that led to the study. Everyone who had a knife backed off except Wadsworth. He had his knife behind his back while he directed the police officer to the library. He opened the door for the police man.

"Thank you, you all are very kind." The police officer said as he looked at all of us

Wadsworth closed the door behind him.

"What now?" Mr. Green asked

"I'm not sure. But whatever you do, don't let him into the study." Wadsworth replied

We all nod and walk over to the kitchen. Everyone puts there knives on the counter.

"Do you think he came here to check on us because he got a complaint about a gun shot?" Asked Mr. Green

"No, he said he came because of how crazy the weather is tonight." Mrs. White responded

None of us new what to do. We were all nervous about the officer being in the house. There was a dead body in the next room. All he had to do was open the door before he left, and then we would all be arrested. This was definitely a crazy night. It was definitely not just a party anymore.

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