What's This? (Chapter 11)

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Ok so rn in this story they are in a hotel (except for mark of course) and you and Nate get to share a room, while your friend has her own room. REMINDER you and Nate have NEVER slept together before sooo, yah. Enjoy!

Y/n's P.O.V.

I can't believe Nate did this for me! It's incredible! "You ready to go see Mark?" "Yes!" We walk to the car. This is so exciting! "Thanks again Nate." "Anything for you." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and we get in the car.

~~At Marks House~~

Marks P.O.V.

Where are they? They were supposed to be here an hour ago! The next thing ya know, they're knocking on the door. "Hey Mark! How's it going?" "Good! But umm, where is f/n?" I look behind them, and I see her run up to me. "I'm here, don't worry!" I give her a big hug, and she blushes and hugs me back. "Come in guys!" Nate shoots f/n a look and she smirks. I wonder what that's all about.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Hi Mark! I'm y/n! It's really an Honor to meet you! I've seen your videos, they're amazing!" I give Mark a hug. I can see the jealousy in Nate's eyes, but it disappears as soon as I let him go. "Its nice to see you too, you and Nate are an absolutely adorable together." "Thanks!" Nate comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, and I smile.
Mark looks at us. "Awww." "They're cute, aren't they?" f/n comes out from the kitchen as I sit on the couch. Mark looks back at f/n. "Yea, but not as cute as you." She blushes a crimson red. I smirk and put my hands to my face. "OOH F/N! GET SOME!" "Shut up!!"

~~Time Skip~~

Still y/n's P.O.V.

I'm walking around Mark's house, and I walk past Mark's door and I here something fall to the ground, and break. I knock on the door. "Hello? Anyone in there?" No one answered, so I got a little scared.
I open the door, and I find f/n and Mark, making out on the bed. "Oh My Mc Rasberry Cheesecakes!" Luckily, they didn't here me. So I just walked out the room, I'm just gonna let them have there moment. But, woah! Hip hip hooray for them! Ships are sailing people! They're sailing!!!

~~Time Skip~~

Nate's P.O.V.

Im glad I could make y/n so happy. She is the cutest. "Nate! Christmas is in 2 weeks!" I turn around, and I see Mark. "Really?" It was actually suprising, since you know, it doesn't get that cold in California. Or Florida.
"Yea! And guess what? I asked f/n to be my girlfriend, and she said yes!" I laugh. "Yea, y/n told me earlier that she saw you two making out." His eyes widen, and he blushes a bit. "Oh, she saw that?" Ha! "Yep!"

~~In The Hotel~~

Still Nate's P.O.V.

"Hey Nate! Wanna watch a movie together?" I smile. "Only if it's a Horror movie." I watch her as she looks through movies on the laptop. She's so beautiful. I thought. I get up in the bed next to her.
"What about The Curse of Chucky? I haven't seen it yet." I look shocked. "What? Really? Neither of I..." She slowly shakes her head. "And yet you make Fnaf songs." So we turn the movie on and three minutes into the movie, she gets scared. "NO NO NO NOT THE MUSIC. ITS- NO. STOP. NO!" She hugged me tightly, but I didn't mind. I liked the way she snugged up next to me.
I put my arm around her shoulders, and she blushes. She's so cute when she does that! Hmm... I wonder if I can make her blush more... "Love you y/n." She blushed! Yes! "I love you too." She hugs me then give me a kiss on the cheek.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Look Who's Blushing Now?" He laughs and throws the cover on me, and I throw them back. "Dreams Come True." He says. I look at him, and he smiles. "But The Creator Lied To Us." I say. He sits up and sings, "Soon you'll see, we'll animate just you and me. Signed in blood, or even ink! Before ya know, well all be part of this machine." I laugh. His voice is amazing. I thought, then he gives me a passionate kiss.
During the movie, every five seconds I was hugging Nate and screaming. "No!! Get the axe, out of your leg, AND KILL HI- AHHH!!" I almost started crying, but Nate comforted me. Oh, how I love him...
After the movie we snuggled up next to each other. He wraps his arm around me, and brings me closer to where are legs are touching. I smile, and put my head on his chest. "Good night my sweet." He whispers in my ear. And then I fall asleep, with a smile still on my face.

To Be Continued...

In case ya didn't know what all that The Creator Lied To Us was, it was Bendy and the Ink Machine (BRY) So yah

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