Before You Start This Story...

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Hello, I'm Popclouds and I'm here to tell you, THIS AIN'T YOUR MAMA'S REGULAR ALPHA STORY.

I don't know about you, but I've read so many werewolf stories where the girl gets rejected by her hot Alpha mate and then falls in love with someone else who isn't her mate. And then somehow she coincidentally ends up with the dick headed Alpha again? Pls. I hate that. I've always wanted a story where she goes like, "AW HELL NAH BRUH" and stays with the guy who's not her mate. I never really found a decent story like that :( So I was like Oh my, I should write one! 

So, fellow readers, this is my FIRST STORY  on Wattpad, and I'm a YOUNG AUTHOR (practically a fetus lolol). So  if there are any errors or things y'all might wanna change, then please comment because I need some good feedback-- Because whenever I'm writing, I'm most likely half asleep.

Okay before you read the book (i'm sorry) just take a quick looksie at some of the "rules"

Yes, there is the Moon Goddess. She won't literally be in the book as a character but just the whole concept is there.

There are no other mythical creatures such as Vampires, Faeries, Witches, etc. other than Werewolves of course.

There are no special, strong, or better wolves in this story, for example "The White Wolves". So if a wolf is white, then don't freak out, they're just regular Arctic Werewolves. You will find many White wolves only because I like the season winter, and most of the setting takes place up North later on in the story, so it would only make sense to have arctic wolves there. I personally also think they are really beautiful.

In this story, there won't be any cliche wars or anything, because 1) I suck at writing that type of stuff and 2) I find it extremely boring (No offense to anyone who enjoys them! <3) But that doesn't mean that all of the packs get along, for that plays a small role in this story.

Phew, I bet you're tired of reading this, for that I apologize. But congrats for making it this far! I'm almost done, I swear. Just one more thing: Do NOT copy this story. I've worked a whole year on this and VERY VERY HARD on it, so please man, just don't. Or else imma send out my boi Jeffrey to come and get you.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, and give this story a chance, you're gonna die :))


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