Chapter 14- "My wife just looks like a fetus for her age"

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It was the 23rd of December, 11:58pm, and I was frantically wrapping the last couple of gifts. I still didn't understand to this day of why I was such a huge procrastinator. 

I didn't even flinch when the door creaked open and Alex strolled in, with a steaming cup of coffee in his slender hands. He perched himself on the edge of my bed and wordlessly watched me. He was clearly amused by the mess sprawled all around me; from the cut up wrapping paper, to the random ribbons, to a hell lot of Scotch Tape. I glared at him. Was this idiot just going to sit here and watch me struggle?

"Pass me some," I reached my arm toward his coffee, yet he pulled it away.

"I don't think you'll like it 'cause it doesn't have 18 spoons of sugar in it, Dest," Alex retorted. He slowly took another sip to irritate me even more. 

"Hey idiot, I don't put that much sugar in my coffee. And right now, I don't care if it's your nasty ass black coffee, just please pass me some!" I demanded. 

Alex rolled his eyes but eventually gave me the warm mug. I leaned my back against the bed and savoured the sip of the hot yet bitter coffee against my throat. But the moment was gone all too fast when he took the cup back.

"Hey!" I protested, getting up to reach back for it. Alex though, placed a hand firmly on my head and began talking to me as if I was a child.

"Go to sleep, nerd, it's way past your bedtime," he chuckled. I had to resist the urge to take the coffee and dump it all on his "innocent" face. 

"I'm almost done wrapping this last present, now shut the hell up and go away," I sighed. He ignored my comment and proceeded to lean back comfortably on the headboard of the bed and sip his coffee.

Once the last present was finally wrapped after what seemed like an eternity, I stuck it in my closet with the rest of the other presents. I didn't have the effort to clean up my mess though, I was exhausted.

"You know, you could've just taken a day off from deliveries today and I would've gone by myself," Alex said, watching me yawn. Now that I thought about it, I really did regret waking up at 6am to do deliveries with this dumbass in the morning. 

Alex got off the bed and then proceeded to put things away.

"Go away," I mumbled sleepily, taking off my glasses and placing them on the nightstand. I didn't think he heard though, as he finished cleaning up and then left. 

Did this guy ever sleep? Nah, his veins were probably full of black coffee. 

As I nestled in my bed, I remembered that I had a date with Fox tomorrow. With that thought in mind, I fell asleep instantly despite that one sip of coffee.


The packhouse was full and bustling on the busy Christmas Eve's day. People in the kitchen were quickly making last minute adjustments to the assortment of meals and desserts, while others were sending off mail and gifts to their loved ones. The older chefs were preparing tonight's special dinner, in which the whole pack would attend. There was a special reserved dinner hall in the mansion with a long table that could easily fit all of us. I was shocked when I'd first seen it.

After breakfast and helping Alex clean his car, the twins asked me to help them pick outfits for tonight. They were going to some family get together and needed "the perfect outfit". Even though they both looked stunning in every dress, it took a while to find the best one.

But when I was done, I finally had some time to myself. I ran up to the third floor, downright exhausted. I managed to wave a quick hello to Lucy on the way to my room and then collapsed in the bed. I checked the time and almost yelped when it read "4:38". Damn it, time flew by.

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