Chapter 5- "I got kicked out"

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* Remember to vote ;D * (prepare yourself for the drama in this chapter)

In the hot humid air, I stared out the window wishing I was a player in the game of Wolf Hunt outside. I imagined the fresh air flying against my face in the vast forest, yet instead I was trapped in my room, sweating in the thick heat. I was wearing baggy shorts, a tank top, and my hair was pulled up with my glasses resting against my nose, and I was still burning. 

It's not like anyone stopped me from playing, it was the way everyone acted around me. Every situation became 100 times more awkward when I was in it. No one would really talk to me or even try to attempt a conversation, making me feel like I was always invisible. The couple of times I had tried to play Wolf Hunt, Dominic would somehow find an excuse to not play which really hurt. It was bad enough that he rejected me and now he didn't even want to be near me. Eventually, I stopped playing. No one noticed but it was okay, I was fine here comfortably reading. 

The heat though, got to me today, and it's like my body involuntarily led me to the window at my room to watch a shirtless 17 year old Dominic contently running around. Was his smile even real? Did he not feel the mate pull that tugged helplessly at my own heart every day?

I shook the thought from my mind and pulled away from the window, returning to feast on my endless stash of candy, courtesy of Amber. I knew I should have cut down on the candy and mini chocolate bars judging by the breakouts on my face, but lately, food was the only thing that never let me down. Besides, Amber had always told me to put my fast metabolism to "good use".

On top of that, Luna Roberta was constantly lashing out on me for no reason nowadays. One year had not only changed me, but Luna Roberta as well. Ever since our Alpha passed away, she went from a kind and caring woman to a cranky and sassy one. I knew it was probably really hard on her, to lead the pack without her mate and raise a young son on top of all of that. But it was funny how she'd take out her anger on me of all people when she downright knew that I had my own suffering to deal with.

I guess life wasn't fair.

All of a sudden, the pack of Smarties in my hand dropped when the abundant scent of pine and cinnamon bursted through my nose. 

Why was he in my room?

His stormy gray eyes met mine. That second where we made eye contact for the first time in a year seemed to go on for an eternity. I couldn't take my eyes away as I numbly realized how much I had missed his. I wanted to break contact but my inner wolf was in full control. 

He cleared his throat.

"Uh sorry..." He turned around and my eyes trailed down to his back muscles. Ever since the Alpha was gone, he had trained harder as a Beta since he obtained more power and strength. It killed me how it made him look 5000 times better. 

Still not processing what exactly just happened in the last few moments, I slowly got off my bed to close my door but he instantly turned around and grabbed my hand, sending a shit load of sparks to shake through my veins. My heart began beating rapidly as I held on to his hand for no reason. 

We simply stood there, thick tension dancing in the air.

Had it really been a year?

I felt the need to hold onto him forever and never let him go, but I knew that it was all the mate pull which was essentially stronger now. By the way his gray eyes darkened, I knew his own inner wolf was uncontrollable as well.

"You feel the mate pull too, right?" His deep voice pierced the heavy silence. I was at an utter loss for words. He was actually speaking to me.

I nodded stiffly, glancing at his hand gripped on my wrist, sparks still trembling inside of me.

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