Chapter 19- "I'm on a prank show"

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The week continued and I woke up extra early every morning to finish the deliveries. On some of the days Alex tagged along too, so I could drop him off for his shifts at the coffee shop. Although I didn't tell him, it made me glad to see that he looked much more well rested and refreshed than he had in a while now. I still wondered why the Alpha was so harsh towards him sometimes.

On Saturday morning I woke up and immediately checked the clipboard only to see that I'd finished all of the deliveries. Finally, I'd get to sleep in today.

I snuggled back into my covers and closed my eyes in satisfaction. Sleep was such a beautiful thing. Honestly the moon Goddess should've just mated me to my bed, I'm sure that would've turned out to be the perfect relationship.

Just as I was about to doze off back to sleep, there was abrupt knocking at my door. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head.

"Alex, I'm done the deliveries. Go away!" I called out. But I stilled when I heard the Luna's voice.

"Actually Destiny, it's me, Luna Arcadia. . "

I dashed out of my bed, almost tripping to get to the door. I opened it to see Arcadia with Kate clutching onto her hand, with her brown Bambi-like eyes looking up at me.

"I'm so sorry, Luna," I gushed, trying to compose myself. She smiled warmly.

"No it's okay, Destiny. Frankly, I'm the one who should be apologizing that I've woken you up. I have an appointment to get to and I needed someone to take care of Kate for the morning."

I eyed the Luna's round stomach, fascinated by the fact that there was a small human growing in there. I nodded enthusiastically at the Luna.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure," I responded.

Luna Arcadia thanked me and then kissed Kate goodbye. I held onto her hand and then closed the door.

"Come on, let's go get some breakfast," I said to her.

"Can I have waffles?" She asked, with an angelic smile.

"You can have one hundred," I replied with a wink. It was hard not to smile when her face lit up, then contorted into confusion.

"Um, Desty, I don't think I can eat that many. . ."

Oh God. I needed a freezer for my melting heart. She just called me "Desty", and that was precious. I was about to leave my room with her but then my bladder decided it needed to explode-- In other words, I had to pee.

Wait, who's going to watch Kate?! I thought.

I could only think of one person, so I grabbed my phone and dialed Alex's number.

"Come to my room--Quick!" I whispered, prancing around. Kate giggled.

"What the fuck, why?" His voice was husky and deeper than usual. Oh shit, I'd woken him up.

"Hurry!" Was all I said before ending the call. I was hoping that idiot would hurry the hell up before I wet myself in front of a three year old.

A couple seconds later, a sleepy Alexander appeared, looking concerned. Oops.

"Watch her," I said pointing at Kate. "I need to pee!"

I closed the bathroom door and calmed the hell down. After washing my hands, I brushed my teeth and straightened my large t-shirt atop my black tights.

I stepped back into my room to find Alex sitting against the headboard with Kate in his lap.

"Thanks so much," I breathed, scooping Kate into my arms.

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