Chapter 13- "High-five her face with a stapler"

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My eyes fluttered open as the silver clock read "7:47 am". I yawned. Ever since I began working with Alex for deliveries a couple weeks ago, I'd began waking up earlier-- Even when I didn't have work, like today. Besides, the water was much hotter in the morning. 

I was about to snuggle back into my thick blanket to give myself a bit more time to sleep, but I remembered that the twins and I were going to go Christmas shopping at 9:30. That left me plenty of time to shower, get ready, and have a nice big breakfast. 

After making the bed and putting on my glasses, I took a warm shower and struggled to get out of it. Living in this cold weather was one thing that I'd probably never get used to.

I found a graphic sweatshirt with a retro Mickey Mouse on it, and a pair of black jeans. I quickly braided my auburn hair and applied some nice red lipstick and a coat of mascara. Makeup normally wasn't an everyday thing for me, but hell, I'd wear red lipstick for the sake of the holidays.

Slipping on my coat and boots and grabbing my small gray wallet, I locked the turquoise door. But right when I stepped into the hallway, I bumped into Fox.

"Destiny, hey!" He beamed. One thing I loved about Fox was his ability to make anyone smile with his contagious energy. 

I smiled back as we walked to the massive stairwell.

"Whatcha' up to?" I asked.

"Well, I have to mail these Christmas cards to my family," he replied, showing me the huge stack in his hand. "How about you?"

"Since I'm the biggest procrastinator ever and Christmas is like 5 days away, I'm going to the mall to buy some gifts," I answered.

"Hmm, will you be getting me anything?"

"You'll find out," I laughed. We made it downstairs and I was about to say bye to him, when he stopped me. He let out a breath and a ran a hand through his white blonde hair.

"Um Destiny, I don't know if you've ever been skating before, but I was wondering if you'd want to go with me sometime?" He asked, looking down at his Timberland shoes. 

I smiled even more, skating sounded amazing, especially with Fox. But did he mean as a date? I highly doubted it.

I blinked.

"You don't have to come through, I was um asking," he quickly added in when he noticed that I hadn't said anything.

"Fox, skating sounds wonderful, but," I began, my heartbeat beginning to speed up. "Do you mean as a .  . ."

No. I couldn't just say it. Why would someone like Fox want to go on a date with me?

"A date?" He filled in, and I swear his blue eyes had gotten brighter if that was even possible. He laughed. "Yes, sunshine, a date,

Holy. Shit. The freaking Gamma of the pack was asking me out on a date. How could I possibly say no?

"O-Of course!" I gushed. "I mean, sure-- yeah," Why was I so goddamned awkward?!

He laughed again.

"I'm glad to hear that, Destiny. I was hoping to take you on Christmas Eve, after dinner," he suggested. I nodded. "Alright, see you later, sunshine," and he was off. 

I couldn't believe it though. Someone actually liked me. And skating for a first date was so cute. .  But I couldn't skate though! What would he think of my clumsiness? What if I embarrassed him and he stopped liking me? I knew that if I tried, I'd look like a donkey with a pair of skates on. 

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