Chapter 16- "I'd get you a pineapple right now"

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The moment I had woken up and the sharp pain rose in my abdomen, I knew that Mother Nature had came for a visit. . . early. There was no way I was going for deliveries today.

I was still sprawled across my bed, but I curled into a fetal position, contemplating whether I should get my ass up and get the hot shower water first, or stay in my bed forever.

Although the latter sounded much more appealing, a few minutes later I somehow managed to make it in the bathroom that connected to Rosalind and Rory's room.

I lazily strolled into the shower and as soon as the rays of steaming water caressed my body, I stood there breathing slowly, wishing I could just live in the shower for the rest of the week. My muscles relaxed a while later as I embraced the hot water.

"DESTINY!", yelled a voice on the other side of the bathroom door. I became stiff. 

Oh shit.

"The water is going to freeze,  you've been in there forever!" Rory yelled.

I grimaced suddenly, noticing how the water was indeed inching away from its precious warmth.

I quickly turned it off and patted myself dry. After shrugging on my sweatpants and a soft t-shirt, and then folding my wet auburn hair into a messy bun, I unlocked the bathroom doors and then made a run for it, whilst praying for my life.

I stealthily slipped out of my room before Rory could kill me. 

As I entered the kitchen, my nose was greeted by the sugary and wafty smell of pancakes, and I knew they were made by Molly and Kevin just by their delectable smell. I saw Molly whisking the batter in a large lime green bowl, while Kevin was expertly flipping pancakes on the griddle.

I was the first one in the kitchen so far and mentally cheered. 

"I'll take four vanilla pancakes and three cinnamon ones with a glass of milk, please," I declared. Kevin's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, probably wondering how I was going to eat seven pancakes.

I was about to offer to help them, but decided against it when the cramps came back. I groaned and flopped onto a nearby sofa.

Soon, a hot plate of delicious looking pancakes rested in front of me, which I responsibly topped off with a dollop of whipped cream. I grabbed the shiny fork and was about to dig in when I heard shuffling behind me. 

It was Alex, looking at me expectantly, dangling a pair of keys between his lean fingers in front of my face. I gave him a "what?" face.

"You're not coming today?" He questioned, sweeping down beside me on the sofa. He eyed the stack of pancakes and then my gray sweats. He poked my stomach.

"Hmm that time of the month, I see."

I elbowed him.

"Shut up, Alex," I snorted. But I knocked him off the sofa when I noticed my fork and a huge piece of my pancakes were gone. The fork was resting in Alex hands.

"Don't. Freaking. Touch. My. Pancakes." I snarled, snatching my fork back.

"Feisty, today," he winked. "Catcha' later Dest, try not to kill anyone." He ruffled my hair and then strolled out of the kitchen chuckling.

I could finally eat my breakfast in peace.


 The next week, as we were driving back from the final pack stop, I saw a small grocery store with its logo as a pineapple and I instantly smiled.

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