Chapter 6- "Do I look like a serial killer to you?"

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As usual, it was a sleepless night. I had tossed and turned, flipped over my pillow an innumerable amount of times, and had thought about what would happen to me.

In front of Amber, I pretended like I didn't really care. But in reality, I was freaking out. I knew there was no way in hell someone as young as me would be able to survive out there on my own as a rogue. I had always heard chilling stories of rogues being brutally hunted or captured by opposing packs-- Would I be the next wolf they'd tell stories about like that? The thought terrified me, but Amber didn't need to know that.

After a few measly hours of sleep, when dawn finally decided to arrive, I got up and stretched. I noticed that after Amber left last night, she took the time to organize my closet, she was always thinking ahead.   

After taking a shower, I slipped on the dress. I tried hard to not think about last year, about how hopeful and happy I was in this dress. Now, I was everything but that.

I didn't bother with my hair, and just settled with a messy side-braid. I perched my glasses on my nose and slipped on a pair of Converse. I walked out of the bathroom, ready to leave my life behind here.

Looking back at my room for one last time, memories of my late childhood rippled through my  mind. I remembered the first time I came here nine years ago, totally clueless, lost, but wondrous. My eyes flitted to the one floorboard that would always creak loudly if anyone stepped on it, and I remembered how Dominic would sneak into my room when I had nightmares, and was always careful to tiptoe over it. I looked to my small closet, and thought about that one time when Dominic was 12, he had hidden in it to scare me, but I had pushed him so hard that he fell and had broken his arm. I silently snickered at that memory. I looked at my bed, and remembered all of the times Amber, Arizona, and I would watch horror movies in the dead of the night and try hard to not scream and wake up the pack. Every spot had a memory tied with it, and there would be no more to make. I guess it really was goodbye. 

Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I walked out of room #210, and took a deep breath, heading downstairs. I could feel multiple sets of eyes on me, ranging from innocent naive ones to wise and harsh ones. Normally, I hid any sign of emotion on my face, but today, I awkwardly gave a side smile, silently thanking everyone for the memories at this pack. 

Before reaching the front doors, I waited for a fraction of a second-- My inner wolf didn't want to leave, it belonged to this place, and was loyal to it. But me, I didn't belong here anymore. 

I yanked the door open and gasped at how many people were here for our late Alpha's funeral. I noticed that there were quite a few neighbouring packs and surprisingly picked out some humans as well. Normally, us wolves didn't really interact with humans and were always cautious to make sure that they never found out about us. Alpha Hunter though, had been a kind and warm hearted man, everyone had admired him. Maybe that was why he had let me in all of those years ago, because he welcomed everyone with open arms. 

"Move out of the way, kid," Spat a voice. I squinted up to see Finley, a guy who used to be my good friend. Ever since I got rejected and the rumours had spread, he made sure that I felt like an outcast even more. But since this was my last day here, I wouldn't go silent.

"So you're calling me a kid, when you have the brain of an eight year old?" I shot back, my heart hammering in anxiety. If this was only last year, we would've laughed and continued to fire back insults at each other. But by the way his silver eyes gleamed with anger, and his fangs bared, I knew this wasn't us just joking around anymore.

"Shut the hell up, you freaking look like a goddamned eight year old. No wonder Dom rejected you!" He retorted.

I couldn't manage to say anything back, I just stood there, absolutely dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that Fin would ever say that to me. He stalked off, roaring in laughter with the other guys.

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