Chapter 10-Alex

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If I was ever falling for a girl, it was Brittany. She was beginning to be my everything. I was completely whipped, though I never let her know that. If I did, she'd have to carry my balls around in her purse. If she didn't have them already.

I was wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger. She understood me, and I saw a side of Miss Perfect that no one knew existed.

I tried to keep my emotions from her when we were together because I was in a bet, and I couldn't lose my motorcycle. She sometimes got mad at me when I didn't want to talk. 

After school on Friday, we were going camping 20 miles away from Ellis.

"Damn." I said when I saw what she had packed.

"What? We'll be gone for two days." She looked at the six bags in her trunk and pointed to the biggest one. "That's a waterproof tent." It was supposed to rain tonight, so she packed parkas.

"Yeah. Two days, not two weeks." I told her, and she rolled her eyes and got in the car. "You don't know how to camp."

"No, chica, I know how to camp. You don't." I put the car in reverse and started driving down the highway to the campsite. With any luck, we'd be the only ones there. The skies were already looking dark, and the trees were whipping.

"Anyway," She said as she pulled out a map and rested her feet on the dashboard. "We should exit here and then go here..." Her finger trailed a line on the map that I couldn't see.

"You know, your directions would be more helpful if I could see them." I told her. She huffed and folded the map up.

"You're becoming impossible, Alex." She said, folding her arms and staring out of the window.

"Come on, chica." I leaned over and grabbed her hand. She let it hang there.

"Is this because I won't tell you about my family?" I asked, having an underlying suspicion that it was.

"I just don't understand why you won't tell me!" She said, looking over at me.

I gripped the steering wheel harder, trying not to snap. I didn't tell her because I didn't want too. I didn't want her to know and leave, and I sure as hell didn't want her to know and then tell everyone. She was being too pushy on this subject.

"You don't need to know that shit, Brittany." I replied calmly. From the corner of my eye I saw her pull out her phone and start texting furiously.

I rolled my eyes and continued down the road. We were only about six miles out of Ellis, not even halfway to the campground when she let out a laugh. I glanced over and saw her smiling and texting. What the hell? I had a feeling that it was her stupid ex, Bret.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing." She replied, still texting.

I pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped. The wind was whipping harder and it was starting to rain.

She looked up. "Why are we stopping?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes.

"What's making you laugh?" I demanded. She blinked once, then replied,


"It's Bret, isn't it?" I asked harshly.

"So what? I'm allowed to text whoever I want." She leaned against the door, looking at me.

"Not your ex, Brittany." I tried not to growl.

"Oh, like you don't to your ex? What's the sluts name again?" She shot back defensively, making me snap like a rubber band.

"You want to talk to Bret, then go. Go find him and do all the "talking" you want." I said, unlocking the doors. "And don't call her a slut."

"You're defending that piece of trash?" She gave me an evil look. A fire began raging inside of me.

"First you call her a slut, and now a piece of trash? She's not the slut, you are, texting your ex boyfriend. Just go and fuck him already." I shouted.

"No! It's pouring rain!" She cried, sitting back in her seat, crossing her arms.

"Get out, Brittany." I growled, getting agitated at her stubborness.

"Why? So you can turn around and go back to that piece of trash?" She asked, staring at me.

I slammed my fist against against the dashboard, making her jump in her seat. "You call her that, you call me that.  You call all of us that!" I shouted at her. "This is just the chance you've been looking for. Go ahead and tell me, Brittany, how you really fell about dating a gangbanger. How I'm worthless? No good? Live up to your bitchy status, Brittany and tell me. Or you can just go whore around some more.  Get the fuck out of my car now!"

She flung the door open. "I hate you, Alex Cruz!" She yelled over the pouring rain before slamming the door shut. I sped off, only looking back once, and saw that she was walking fast through the pouring rain.

Should I go back? Damn, I didn't want to say those things, and I sure as hell didn't want to make her sad, but damn if she didn't piss me off so much. I drove a little bit longer until I came to a turn-around. Lightening flashed in the distance, making me realize how dangerous this road can be at night.

I slammed my fist against the steering wheel, making the horn blare. Fuck if I didn't have a conscience. I drove until I saw Brittany's blurry, wet figure ahead of me. She wasn't trying to sheild herself from the rain at all, she was just walking. I stopped the car and got out, blinking a couple times through the rain. 

"Brittany!" I shouted over the roar of the pouring rain. Lightening flashed again, illuminating her figure, which had stopped. She turned around.

"What?" She yelled, pushing strands of her wet hair around off her face. Even though it was raining and her clothes were sticking to her slim figure, she was still so damn hot to me.

"Get in the car!" I shouted again, walking closer.

"Why?" She crossed her arms, yelling back. "So you can call me a whore again?"

"Just get in the car now!" She was so damn stubborn. I walked closer.

She shook her head, making me mad again, but in a good way. "Brittany! Just get in the damn car now!" She shook her head again.

I walked straight over to her and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, pressing my mouth against hers before she could protest. She tried to pull away, but each time I pulled her closer to me. I finally felt her give up and snake her fingers through my hair, kissing back.

"I hate you so much." She said, pulling away, still in my embrace. Her eyes searched mine.

"I know, chica." I replied, kissing her again. "I know."

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