Chapter 1-Brittany

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The first day of senior year and I'm already running late! As if my alarm clock not going off wasn't enough, I spilled juice on my brand new shirt and my hair wasn't cooperating.

I felt my phone vibrate through my shorts pocket while I was changing from my shirt into a cleaner, cuter one.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice muffled through the shirt.

"Brittany? Where are you?!" Yelled my best friend, Kate through the speaker.

Shoot. I was supposed to pick her up ten minutes ago!

"I, uh, got, detained." I slid the shirt comfortably in place and adjusted the phone to my ear.

"Brittany!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"I'll be there in five minutes." I said, hanging up and walking downstairs. My mom was waiting for me at the bottom, dressed in nothing but the best. A Ralph Lauren tracksuit complemented her skin tone, obviously tanned, and her hair was in place, recently dyed a brighter blonde. (Grays? What grays?)

"You're not going out like that, are you?" She asked when I stood in front of her.

I looked down at my pink top and white capris and white cork wedges. "Yes, Mom." I rolled my eyes in my head. I was used to her negativity. Though, she wouldn't call it negativity. She'd call it constructive criticism. I know she only wants me to be the best, but there was so much more to life. Even my so-called 'Perfect Life'.

It's actually hard to keep up the 'perfect' image at school. Everyone expects you to be the best.  I was far from perfect.

"Well, it's...acceptable, for today." She warned, walking to the kitchen.

"Bye!" I hollered, hoping to make a quick escape. No such luck.

"Wait!" I heard her tip-tap back into the foyer. "I almost forgot. Your little sister has to stay after school today."

"The first day?"

"Something about 6th grade initiation with the teachers. I won't be home tonight, neither will your father. I need you to pick her up at 4." She smiled brightly and walked back into the kitchen.

"Glad that's over." I said to myself, driving to Brittany's. When I stopped in front of her white colonial house, she was standing on the front steps, looking pissed.

"I told you 7:30, Brit! Not 7:45!" She huffed when she got in my car.

"Sorry!" I replied, merging into traffic. It was days like these I enjoyed: cool air moving through the trees, people walking their dogs, the sun casually making an appearance now and then, leaving the sky alone most of the day, making it nice out, not hot.

"Brittany!" Kate squealed, bringing me out of my trance.

"What?" I pulled into the school parking lot.

"You didn't hear a word I said about Caleb, did you?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

I shrugged. "Some of it." I grinned when her mouth opened and nothing came out.

"Tell me." I pleaded, just to make her happy.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "As I was saying, Caleb and I have been texting, you know. Well, he asked me out last night and I said yes!"

I squealed with her, knowing that she'd been waiting for Caleb to ask her out forever.

"Shouldn't we be getting inside now?" I nodded to the car clock, which read 7:51.

"Yeah, let's go. First day of senior year!" She hollered, getting some loud 'whoooo!'s from nearby seniors. "We're gonna kick ass!"

And so it begins.

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