Chapter 4

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Today was simply fantastic.  I honestly can't remember the last time I felt so carefree and open.  When I'm talkingn to the boys, I feel like I'm talking to normal everyday people.  They are so friendly, and are really charming.  After the zoo they dropped me off at my apartment, and went back to the hotel.  I'm so sleepy its not even funny.  Just being near people as energetic as they are tires you out.  I can't imagine how tired they are.  I think I was nodding off on Nialls shoulder on the way home.  Oops.  


Laying in bed, I listen.  I can hear a lot of noise, and I can smell something cooking.  Mom never cooks.  I'm slightly afraid, but I smile.  For some reason, I feel like I know exactly what's coming for me.  My room door is open, and Louis is chuckling, staring at me.

"Louis, what's so funny?"  I ask him.

He continues to laugh at me, "Your hair, love."

I hurry to close and lock the door, and look in the mirror.  Oh gosh, Louis was right.  My hair is a mess.  I right away throw it up in a bun and run to the bathroom.  I shower quickly, because I hear Niall yelling at me to hurry up or I'll miss breakfast.  I throw on a robe and run back into my room.  I choose to wear a pair of Hollister sweat-shorts and an Aerie striped loose top.  It's simple, yet cute. I then throw on glitter eyeliner and mascara, and walk downstairs.  The clock says it's noon already.  I didn't know I slept in that much.

"Good thing you decided to show up, Niall was about to eat your breakfast," Liam told me.  Niall just giggled, and went back to eating.

"So how did you guys get into my house?" I ask them while I take a seat.  

"You're mom let us in," Louis says with a cheeky smile.

"I don't know why," I joked.  Louis pretended to take offense.  

"Are you going to thank the chef?" Harry asks, with a famous cheeky grin and a wink.  I blush, and give him my dorkiest thumbs up while I continue eating.  He laughs at me.


After the food, we all moved into my living room.  Niall, Louis, and Harry on the couch, and Zayn, Liam, and I on the floor.  "So what now?  I ask everyone."

"We watch a film?" Harry suggests.

"How did I know you were going to say that?" I ask, and then I look at everyone else.  They seem to have disapproving looks on their faces, so I decide not to find a movie to put on.  

"Truth or dare?" Louis says like a little kid.  All the boys seem to agree, so I guess we're playing Truth or Dare.  I decide to go along with it.  

"SO.  Niall.  Truth or dare?"  Louis says like he's announcing another one of his many X Factor game shows again.

The boys take turns asking each other questions, but I stop paying attention.  I am just sitting, thinking.  I wish it could be like this all the time.  So simple, carefree.  "LIZZIE!  Truth or dare?"  Louis asks me.  

"Uhh...Dare,"  I say.  

"I'm going to make this reeeal interesting," Louis says, with a tone of voice that makes me uneasy.  "I dare you to....kiss.....NIALL!"  Niall looks at me, getting pinker every second.  

"Alright, fine."  I say.  Secretly I'm dying inside.  I get to kiss a member of One Direction...My life has been made.  Niall tries to protest, but I insist.  "Niall, its a dare.  We have to do it.  It means nothing." He nods, and we kiss.  I'm not going to lie.  Niall's lips are the softest, and I was dying on the inside.  I tried to keep it quick because I didn't want the boys to tease me about it.  

"Oww oww!"  Zayn hollers.  I look at each of them, smirking at me.  Except Harry.  I wonder why.  Anywho, I lean back against the couch.  The games continues, and I feel my eyelids drooping.  Hanging out with the boys was so tiring.  I don't know how they do it on a daily basis.  I lean on someone's leg, I believe it was Harry's, and close my eyes.

***Author's Note***

This chapter is a real short one and not great, more of a filler chapter, but it's cute and I think that it's a good place to stop.  And you know what?  Just from reading and watching them I started using some British terms, ahaha.  And I wanna call these chappies I just feel I'd be a loser. Ahaha.  

Anywho, please vote or comment if you enjoy the story, and if you have critique for me than inbox it or comment, I always need more! (: 

lizliz94 xx

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