Chapter 6

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"There is no way you are taller than me." He says simply.

"I'm definitely taller than all of you." I say.  I know it isn't true, but it's fun to tease him.  I'm 5'6" so with these wedges I'm around 5'9" or 5'10".  So I may be taller than him.  I'll have to find out.  Hopefully I am otherwise I'll never see the end of it.  Well at least it seems like it'd be that way.  I don't know exactly how much longer I'll end up getting to be with them, so I don't know if Louis would get a chance to bring it up.  You never know.  Gosh, I feel like such a loser, thinking and rethinking and thinking and rethinking again!  Something must be wrong with me!

It just...It seems like I overthink a lot of things and I don't want One Direction to make me overthink my every movement.  I feel like such a hopeless fangirl.  Its a shocker I haven't screamed yet.  I would think by now I would have had a spaz attack and freaked out on them, and scared them away.

"Now now Lizzie, you haven't scared us away," Louis says, chuckling.  And I'm pretty sure it's at me, not with me.

"Damnit, what did I say?" I ask.  I have a really bad habit of saying what I'm thinking out loud sometimes if I don't pay enough attention to what I'm thinking and my surroundings and stuff.  I don't like it, not one bit.  One time I was annoyed with a girl I know, and I was thinking how much of a b**** she was, and I said it out loud, and obviously something went down.  But more on that another day. 

"So where are we headed, boys?" I ask them, in a funny accent.

"I am the only one who can do accents, bro," Zayn said, in his funny, half British half Pakistani half something random accent.  *AHHH WHO ELSE READ THIS IN ZAYN'S VAS HAPPENIN VOICE?  SORRY I WILL GO NOW A/N OVER*

I started laughing, while looking over the car.  I can tell that Louis and Harry are busy being Larry Stylinson again.  Ha.  I entertain myself.  I smile, afraid I may be chuckling to myself.  Louis is holding Harry's face in his cupped hands, and pinching his cheeks.  Harry seems to be trying to escape.  

"I think Louis is the only one putting effort into the relationship, Harry."  I say, then instantly regret.  I want to be noticed, but Larry Stylinson?  I am afraid I may have went to far, or maybe ---

Both Louis and Niall bellow out in laughter, causing me to shake from my thoughts.  Zayn is chuckling to himself and Liam is just trying to hide a laugh.  I feel instantly better, and calm down.  I laugh a little to myself, and notice Harry is a slight shade of pink.  Awww, I embarrassed him.  That's unfortunate.

We arrive at the restaurant and get a table in a roped off section in the back.  I'm not sure what restaurant it is but it is definitely fancy.  It has elegant off-white walls with golden embroidery on it, and a hint of crimson detailing.  The walls were painted with such intricacy, it looks like a wallpaper.  All walls appear to mirror each other's image, causing me to smile.  Each swirl done with accuracy, each brush stroke taken to maintain the precision in the design.  Precision was key to all aspects of design, and although it took obvious hard work, it definitely was done for a good reason.  This place looked stunning.  As we get to the booth, I notice each seat has a plush, matching crimson velvet cushion with gold legs and a gold back.  The table was white with crimson and gold detailing, in a perfect combination to match the walls and chairs perfectly.  This place was stunning.

"Whoever designed this place should design my room." I blurted, not even thinking about what I said.  Man, there I go thinking out loud again.

The boys smirk at me, and roll their eyes.  My cheeks turn pink and I stare at the menu, and the ground.  I decide what to order and continue to look down.  I could hear a conversation going on around me, I just was too encased in my own thoughts to listen to the boys.  I always say there is a difference between hearing and listening, and nobody understands me, but there truely is.  You can hear something but not listen to it, and therefore still have no idea what happened or what it's about.  But if you listen you should know.  It's really not as complicated as anybody makes it sound.

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