Chapter 5

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I slowly open my eyes, and the room is dark.  All the boys are passed out on my floor and couches, Harry's head is on Louis' shoulder...Awwwh.  I snapped a picture with my phone.  Larry Stylinson.  They have to leave eventually, I want memories.  I walk into my kitchen, and check the clock.  6 am.  Oh boy.  I look from boy to boy, examining how they sleep.  My eyes stop on Niall.  He seems like he might be awake, but I don't want to wake him up if he isn't already awake.

Gurgle gurgle.  Niall's stomach growled.  "Dang it." Niall said.  "Sorry if I woke you up."

"It's fine," I giggle, "I don't think we have much to eat, but you can check it out."

"Yeaaah buddiee!"  Niall says, running to meet me in the kitchen.  He rummages through my cabinet, and I jump up on the counter.  

"Don't expect to find anything good," I tell him.  Surprisingly I find him already eating something.  Oh, Nialler.  

Niall was stuffing his face in something he found in my cabinet, and I was leaning my chin on my hand, eyelids drooping.  I can't believe I'm still tired.  It has been a busy day though.  All the sudden, I hear a vibration.  I jump, and I see Niall walking away with his phone.  I slump back on the table, and close my eyes.  Just for a minute...


Stretching, I yawn.  What time is it?  I turn around to look at the clock.  It's 12.  I guess I didn't just 'rest my eyes'.  Oops.  I get up, and walk around the house looking for the boys.  They aren't in my living room, or my kitchen, or my bedroom, although honestly, I was hoping they weren't in there.  I go back into the kitchen, and open the refridgerator.  I grab a Coke, and pop it open.  I love the fizzy sound, the popping of the bubbles.  It's so relaxing.  I take a big sip, and it burns as it goes down my throat.  I love it.  I really need to stop drinking so much pop though.  I close the fridge, and I notice that the front has a piece of paper taped to it.

Dear Lizzie,

We have a signing today.  We had to leave to go to the signing.  We'll give you a ring when it's over.


Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Niall 

Okay, so now I have to wait around.  First free time I've had in a few days.  I realize I haven't really talked to any of my friends, so I get on facebook. Immediately a picture of me with One Direction surfaces, and I should have figured as much.  People would know if I was out in public with them, even if they tried to give us privacy.  There's always someone.   There are a ton of messages on my Facebook, probably because everyone who's ever known me and wants to meet One Direction decided they suddenly love me.  Hah.  It's actually kind of silly.  I check online users...Don't want to talk to him, don't want to talk to her, BINGO!  Amy is online!  I haven't talked to her in a few days, ever since I met One Direction actually.  They keep me very occupied.

Me:  Amy!  I miss you!

Amy:  Lizzie, I miss you too!  What's all this stuff with One Direction about?

Me: Well it's a long story, I pretty much saved Harry Styles from drowning, lol.

Amy:  I've heard....and then what??? :D

Me:  We've been hanging out, :D ?

Amy:  Take lots of pictures for me, love. (:

Me:  Will do! Haha

Amy:  By the way, you do know they are going to Long Beach tomorrow, correct?

Me:  Well I do now! :/  I have to go.  Text me! (:

I close the laptop, and sigh.I check the clock, and realize I should get dressed. I mean it’s already 1; I really shouldn’t be sitting in pajamas at 1pm. So I get up, and walk into my room. I walk to the closet, and step inside. I love my walk-in closet. It makes getting ready so much simpler. I grab my purple off the shoulder American Eagle dress, which happens to be one of my favorites, and slip it on. I look in the mirror, and decide I should curl my hair. But I’m not dressing up to impress the boys, no. I’m dressing up because it suits the outfit. Only because it suits the outfit.

I walk into the bathroom, close the door, and turn on the curler. Setting it on the ledge next to the window, I turn on the sink and begin brushing my teeth. I brush for about five minutes, because it bothers me if my teeth feel even a little bit out of place. If they don’t feel spotless, I keep brushing. I put on two whitening strips, to make sure my teeth look top notch, and comb through my hair.

After whitening my teeth, I get to curling it. I spray a little Go Blonder in my hair, it’s a spray that makes your hair a little lighter when you apply heat to it. I love to use it because with my naturally brown hair it helps give it a red tint. I curl my hair, and put on a boho headband. I know if Amy saw me like this, she’d call me a hippie for sure. But Amy won’t see me, because I’m busy. Busy with One Direction. I sure like the sound of that.

Next time I check, it’s 2.  I walk into the living room, put on the television, and watch the news.  It’s really boring, so I tune it out, just sitting in silence, staring into space.  I never realized how bored I get sometimes.  Those boys really make things so much more interesting.

My phone starts ringing, jolting me back to awareness.  I leap to the phone, grabbing it, and hastily turning it on. 

“Hello?” I breathe into the phone, still a little out of breath. 

“Hey Lizzie, we’re…uh….done, so we’re coming to pick you up.  Be ready,” Harry warns me. 

“Will do, Mr. Styles,” I say back into the phone, as I hear him chuckle.  I love his laugh.  I didn't just think that, did I?  Naaah, I'm just friends with all the boys.  Yeah.  Just friends.

I run into my room and look in the mirror.  I look fine, so I grab my phone off the charger, throw it in my purse, and wait by the door.  A sudden honk makes me turn to the door, throw on some navy wedges that match the embroidery in my dress, and shuffle out the door.

“I doubt you’ll be able to walk in those,” Louis hollers at me as I make my way to the door. 

I turn, smirk at him, and keep walking.  I keep my head looking straight ahead.  I’ve practiced walking in heels and wedges a lot.  People always compliment me on my shoes and wonder how on Earth I can keep them on for as long as I do.  I never tell people my secret.  Honestly it isn’t much of one.  I just find shoes with a good slope.  Like if the shoe goes up at a steep incline, then it will hurt the arch in your foot.  But a gradual and more adapted incline makes it so much easier.  I realize I’m spacing out and need to pay attention.  I reach the car just in time, because the second I get there I trip on a stick, and grip the car for support.

“I told you so!” Louis again hollers at me.  I open the car door and hop in.

“I guess you’ll have to be my support then,” I say back, winking at him.  He turns away, chuckling.  "That means you'll have to walk next to me the whole trip."  He shrugs it off, and to mee it seems like a challenge.

"And I bet I'm taller than you." I say, almost as a whisper.  But not quite.  He still picks it up, and turns to me, baffled.  His eyes go huge, and he stares at me with a mischevious grin.

***Author's Note***

I want to apologize for the abrupt cut, but I honestly hate breaking promises and I wanted to post this today as promised so I decided to cut it here, I'll be writing Chapter 6 as soon as I can and hopefully it will be up by the weekend.  I apologize this week is a big exam week and two weeks from now will be too. (: Haha.  I really hope you like this, please read (:  And comment and vote and tell your friends!  I have a goal...2 votes for Chapter 6?  (:

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