Wounded Prey

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Exasperated, and with Elizabeth returning to the Velvet Room, Sachiko and Fuuka stepped into the scene. "So... Who was your 'friend'?" Sachiko couldn't help but smile in amusement at Minato's baleful look.

He sighed. "Her name's Elizabeth. She's... odd."

Minato tried to articulate what exactly was odd about her, but Fuuka did it for him. "I could feel an immense amount of power emanating from her, and I didn't even need my Persona to do that." Partially, anyways.

"Yeah. But I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think she'd be able to help SEES more than she's been helping me," he said absentmindedly.

Sachiko chuckled. "Well, speaking of, I believe Fuuka-san has something that she wants to ask you." Of course, she had her own things to say, but Fuuka took priority.

As he gave her a raised eyebrow, she shook under his gaze. Come on. She could do this. "I-I just... I sensed something a while ago and I wanted to know if it was something that I should be worried about." Minato nodded slowly, anticipating what she was going to say. "I sensed someone near you... Someone that I wasn't sure I was seeing.

"Like a child."

Sweat beaded upon his forehead. Oh dear. Next thing, she'll notice that the full moon Shadows he was holding on to. The only reason she hadn't was because the notebook was on him all the time, so it became masked by his own spiritual power. Pharos giggled and whispered into Minato's ear. "That someone is kinda like a Persona. He helps me out sometimes," Minato parroted.

Fuuka nodded slowly. To be honest, she couldn't get a full grasp on what the presence was like, so she decided that she just had to trust that what he was saying held a kernel of truth within it.

It didn't seem that he was lying, but... he also didn't seem sure of it himself. "Not to say that you hadn't spoken truth, but it seems more like a hallucination or illusion to me," Sachiko spoke aloud. "I don't have the same perspective as you two, so it sounds a little outlandish to me."

"It is far-fetched, but at this point, especially with Minato-kun, I think anything goes," Fuuka rebutted. "If I can sense it, I don't believe that what Minato-kun is talking about isn't real."

Pharos hummed in thought and murmured to Minato, "Well, she does bring up an interesting point though. I wonder why you hear those voices in your head anyways. Fuuka here hasn't sensed it yet, has she?"

Still, he decided to button up his lips, deciding not to chime in. Minato didn't need Fuuka or Sachiko to be worrying about it more than they needed to. Sachiko might've already figured out that there was something more to what he was saying, after all. If that was all Fuuka needed him for, then he could speak to Sachiko after. "Um, thank you for answering. I was just wondering if it was something you knew about. If it doesn't affect us, I won't have to worry Mitsuru-senpai or Akihiko-senpai about it."

"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for thinking about it though," Minato replied.

"O-Of course! I'll be going now, so hopefully we'll see you back at the dorm," Fuuka said before fleeing the scene. "You too, Sachiko-san."

Following this, Sachiko gave Minato a pointed look. "Minato, what were you actually trying to say about the presence that Fuuka-san felt?"

Minato sighed. "I honestly don't know what he is. But I do know that he is my friend," he replied. Seeming to read the air between the two of them, Pharos didn't comment, and just watched it unfold. "But... What you said about hallucinations... I don't know why I'm telling you this but..."

"Come on. Let's sit down." Sachiko guided them towards the nearby bench, with Koromaru at their heels. "What about that?"

He furrowed his brow, not sure whether he should say or not. It would be a lot to take in, and he wasn't sure what Sachiko would feel about it. "Ever since I started whispering to Shadows, I've heard this... this voice."

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