Muted Regards

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'Take a deep breath, deep breath.'

Grey eyes met grey eyes, blinking together in unison as they watched their chests heave, continually searching, grasping for air. It was his idea in the first place, but no, the prospect of going on a date with Sachiko wasn't what set his nerves alight.

He shook his head like a wet dog and pulled a shirt on, lingering for a moment on his hands. "Don't mess this up again," he chided to himself. All he could do was clench his fists ever tighter, fidget as the thoughts continued to buzz at the back of his mind.

The first step: Don't be late.

Minato hurriedly shoved his belongings into his jean pockets, all the while, hoping to god that this wasn't a lost cause. He clapped his hands over his cheeks, trying to firm up his face before heading out.

Many of the other dorm members had similar plans—only Koromaru was left. He was likely waiting for some company himself. "See ya," Minato whispered, and Koromaru gave him a bark of 'goodbye' to send him on his way.

The road to Naganaki Shrine was now a river of people, entering and exiting it in waves of blues, pinks and reds. Even children came dressed in yukata, hair styled, and maybe carrying lanterns or umbrellas.

He took a vantage point from near the top of the staircase, where it would be easier to spot her amongst the crowd. Minato wasn't sure how to feel; rather than the few elderly people, the festive spirit happened to be in full force that day.

His watch read 5:51 PM.

"You're a little bit early, aren't you?" Pharos said with a small smile. He could tell that despite the atmosphere, Minato wasn't at his best. His stomach, intestines felt as if they were tied in infinite numbers of knots. All he could do was try and lighten up the mood. When Minato gave him a quiet hum in affirmation, Pharos continued, "I am proud though. You managed to force yourself to take a shower. Though I suppose... the sticky situation you ended up in yesterday more or less mandated one."

Pharos chuckled at Minato's sheepish smile. "Well... 'Sticky' is one way of putting it," he agreed. "But... It feels odd..."

"Whatever it is you're feeling, I can't quite put my finger on it either," Pharos replied, trailing off. He turned his gaze back toward the stream of colour below. "Do you feel a bit calmer now?"

Minato nodded. "Yeah. Thanks." The small conversation managed to quell his racing heartbeat, if only for a short time. "I wonder though..." He smiled sadly, head and heart dully aching with thought. "I wonder if she hates me. I wouldn't blame her."

Pharos shook his head. "It's possible. But I personally don't feel like she hates you," he replied. "I doubt that Sachiko, of all people, wouldn't tell you what she really thought about you. Relationships aren't a one-way street, remember?"

It was then, he saw lavender faintly in the sunlit sea. "Y-You're right," he conceded.

The colour of her hair inspired thoughts about what was going to happen on the date. All they had to do was go around the stalls, play some games, buy some snacks, maybe some souvenirs... And of course, Minato couldn't forget about paying respects at the shrine.

That made him recall a fragment of a bitter memory, mottled and frayed by time. A tanabata festival, where autumnal notes breezed through the trees, and his godforsaken aunt walked alongside him in a dark blue that mirrored the colour of the sky that day.

"Hey, Minato." He turned towards the voice's source. There was Sachiko, glittering with gold, smart, yet alluring in one of her many coats. "What are you thinking about?"

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