Fix You

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There are many questions that Minato could be asked. Like why did he have a blonde in blue frolicking around the mall and causing what may be public disturbances? Why was she pouring millions of yen into each of the fountains?

Just a few minutes ago...

"You want me to guide you around Paulownia Mall... because you're curious about my world," Minato summarised, resisting the urge to splutter 'no' at the idea. He got a reward out of it and he supposed it didn't involve killing (or talking to) any Shadows but...

"Indeed! You seem nervous," Elizabeth noted. She gave him a wondering look before continuing with, "Perhaps you don't know what to show me?"

Minato furrowed his brow. "That's not it... Just..." He supposed at the time that if anything went wrong, he could sacrifice his dignity. "Let's go."

Elizabeth's eyes lit up. "I-I must be so honoured that you accepted my request straight away. Then I suppose there isn't any time to lose!"

It's only because he didn't have a social life. He opened the door out, waiting for Elizabeth to step outside. "What a gentleman. Quite unlike dear Theo..." she said with a wistful smile.

He shook his head, deciding not to ask her who the hell 'Theo' was. "Paulownia Mall. Knock yourself out." Minato folded his arms, waiting for Elizabeth to be attracted to... whatever.

"My, that sounds like a dangerous process. I'm not sure it is possible for me to 'knock myself out'."

That was when Minato knew that this was going to be an interesting, but horrifying afternoon. He could begin to really fathom Elizabeth's character. To describe it in one word? Frightening. Just... Just frightening.

She ran over to the centremost fountain of Paulownia Mall. "What a strange contraption! Built for making play of water: humanity's primary source of sustenance. How wicked!" she exclaimed.

How he wished to shrink back into a deep, dark hole after what she'd suggested. "It's decoration," Minato supplied.

"How so? Perhaps the clarity of the water and the way that it weaves through the air is what gives the fountain a special quality of beauty..." Elizabeth smiled. "Why, it is majestic. I must pay my respects to the fountain spirits!"

A minute passed as Minato processed what she'd just said. "Fountain spirits," he said flatly. During this time, Elizabeth had begun pouring monstrous amounts of five yen coins into the fountain pool. Geez. This could've been a good offering to an actual god. With their own shrine. "Oh shit..."

Never once did she look up to see the people staring at the stream of coins from her apparently bottomless wallet.

Would it be bad courtesy to steal that money? Actually, maybe later when she moved. He dragged his hand down his face as Elizabeth said, "Ah, in all the excitement, I neglected to make a wish. This will simply not do..." Wow. All that money. For a wish. Which probably wouldn't be granted.

He took one of the five yen coins, observing it for a moment before pocketing it. Minato supposed that maybe he could satisfy his pilfering need. "Right. Don't waste it next time." He humoured her with a sigh. "What next?"

Elizabeth skipped over to the police station, where Akihiko had introduced Junpei and him to Officer Kurosawa a while back. Minato didn't have a use for weapons, but the armour never hurt, and he could appreciate its utility for the others. "What is this facility here?"

This was hard to put in a few words... "For upholding justice?"

"Justice, you say? Reinforce your world's laws? To make things fair for all people?" she asked. He rubbed the back of his head with an "I suppose so" before turning to the bulletin board next to it. "Oh... The requests on this board... They are similar to my subjugation requests, are they not?"

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