4. But how?

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I walked up to the hat and waited, Until it was placed on my head. The hat spoke "hmm a potter I see....gryffindor maybe? Or slytherin you would make a perfect slytherin." "No I'm a gryffindor like my parents I need to be a gryffindor." I spoke almost desperate. The hat completely ignored me and kept rambling about slytherin and then he shouted "slytherin" my eyes immediately went to look at James who had a evil smirk on his face. I walked over to the slytherin table were people where cheering for me. I sat next to Scorpius who just smiled at me. "Now I already have one friend in slytherin" Scorpius said. "Yeah I guess so" I replied sad.

"Ciara Lucia Malfoy"

I walked up to the hat and I think that I have never been so nervous about something ever before. I was so scared of what the hat would say, because Albus was sorted in Slytherin and his whole family was in Gryffindor. What would that mean for me? Would I be a Slytherin too? Like my family or will I be a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff I was freaking out. "Hmm a Malfoy, you're just as powerful as your father, so maybe Slytherin? But there is something odd about you. You're not 100% like the rest of your family. I know what to do...
GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat yelled.
I look at Kaelin in disbelieve, she looked disappointed and almost angry. I walked towards the Gryffindor table and the small talk that was there before had completely died. No one clapped and everyone at the table looked angry or weird at me. Mc Gonagall got further with her speech to kill  the silence and the feast began. But I wasn't hungry anymore, I just waited until we would get our rooms so I could be alone.
After the feast we had to come with a prefect of your house because they would show you your room. We walked towards a painting and we got the password, I walked up to my dorm where I met my roommates, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson and Rose Granger-Weasley.


The feast was over and we walked back to our common room. I hoped to be walking next to Ciara but she's a Gryffindor, I rolled my eyes of annoyance. I kept walking until we arrived in the dungeons when everyone walked into our common room I walked the other way and snuck out. I just wanted to be alone I needed to think. I snuck past Hagrid's shack and walked into the forest to sit by the lake. I sat there thinking about Ciara. Im angry about her getting into Gryffindor because she is my little sister i need her with me in Slytherin. Wow I sound pretty selfish don't I? I mean I'm sad she's in Gryffindor because i need her to be able to run in my room when I have a nightmare again. Still pretty selfish. I'm just scared about what her dad might do, he hates Gryffindor. I sat there another hour just watching the water, enjoying the view thinking some more. Then I heard something in the bushes. I stood up quickly and slowly walked towards the sound with my wand ready. A snake came out I tried to walk backwards but I tripped over something and fell. The snake looked me right in the eye and before I could say or do anything someone screamed "stupefy" A tall boy with blond hair and weird glasses came out of the bushes. I stood up and looked at him "Well thanks I guess." I simply said. "Yeah no problem I'm Roger, Roger Forman." The boy said. I looked at him and his hand he put up for me to shake. "I believe I've actually never seen you before." I spoke and then regretted saying it. Roger just looked at me and laughed "yeah I'm a Hufflepuff I was studying that snake and I'm outside most of the time." I looked at him and smiled "yeah you really are a Hufflepuff well thnx and bye" I said while walking away. I then realized it was pretty late and I just entered the Slytherin common room. I went straight to my room I'm so glad my roommates are asleep. I changed into my pjs and drifted off to sleep.

~ this is all Kaelin's dream ~
I'm walking trough this empty room well more like a basement. It's so dark like I see the exact same when I close my eyes, nothing I see nothing it's too dark. "Helloooo?" I yelled hopeless my voice just echoed trough the room, the empty room. I wandered through the big empty basement. I stood behind a big pillar when I heard a sound. I still couldn't see anything so I had to listen closely where it came from. Then I saw a bright light the same light you get when you use the spell "lumos". It came my way and right when I was about to see a face someone screamed "crusio". I screamed
I woke up sweating like hell and screaming like someone actually did crucio on me. My roommates didn't know what to do so they called slughorn our prefect. I woke up in the hospital wing. Apparently no one ever had a bad dream here, I mean seriously the hospital wing? I tried to get up but someone pinned me back to lay down. "You know I can leave it was just a dream." I signed annoyed. "A dream? That was everything but a dream!" Someone said. I could hear from the voice that it was Mc Gonagall. "I know it was a nightmare I have them all the time." I said without thinking twice. Mc Gonagall looked at me in shock and said "you've had more of those nightmares?" "Yes and its okay il live." I said annoyed. Then I noticed someone holding my hand. "Ciara are you okay?" I said happy. "Am I okay? Are you okay?!" She said fast. "I'm fine just a bad dream that's al." I smiled while saying that. "Can I go? Please I want food." "Breakfast starts in half an hour you can go for now." Mc Gonagall said. I walked towards the door with Ciara when suddenly the door opened. James came in and hugged me I hugged him back. "Are you okay? I heard you were here and i had to come." James said. "I'm fine it was nothing just a bad dream." I said "Kaelin is going to chance and then we'll see her at breakfast right Kaelin?" Ciara said, forcing me to say yes. "Yes" I simply said. I walked towards the Dungeons.

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