'What did you say about me?!'

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POV Ciara
I run out of the library looking for a place to run to. Out of the castle towards the woods, the lake? No they will find me to easily, forbidden forest? Ugh to dangerous.. the well? I don't know, more tears stream down my face and I just ran to the last place I had in mind. The well. I put my hand on the border of the well, and cry as hard as I can into the clear water. I drop to my knees, I collapse completely. My father hates me.. he really does. I know why he gave me up. He knew I would be a disappointment.. suddenly I hear voices.

'Ciara?' 'Ciara?' I don't bother who it is and why he or she is saying my name. I try to calm down as I stand up but I keep crying. Then 2 people grab my hands one the left and one the other. 'I found you' they both say. 'Scorpius? Albus?' I say while looking at them, still with tears running down my face. 'I really want to apologize' Scorpius speaks. 'That is definitely what you should do, you never should have said it in the first place' Albus says annoyed. 'Yeah yeah, as long as my mother doesn't find out and Ciara isn't mad at me anymore I'm good' Scorpius says uninterested. 'As long as little Scorpius doesn't get in trouble for anything' Albus speaks under his breath.

'What did you say about me?' Scorpius says while walking to Albus and pushing him, letting go of my hand. 'I said your a little crybaby you say anything about anyone just to hurt them and then you don't want to get in trouble for it' 'Take that back it I'll make you regret it' 'I won't why would I?' 'You're getting it' Scorpius grabbed his wand and pointed it to Albus, Albus grabbed his wand and pointed it to Scorpius. 'Guys don't do this I just wanted to be alone' I spoke. 'No that's dangerous' they say in union. 'Shut up' Albus says. 'No you shut up I'm her brother' Scorpius shoots back.

'Rictusempra' 'sectumsempra' 'stupefy' Albus gets shot back onto the ground. 'Stop it guys, this is enough' I say. 'Indeed, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter detention. Mrs. Malfoy what were you doing?' Professor McGonagall said. 'They were fighting about me I was trying to stop it but it al went so fast..' I say still wanting to cry my eyes out. 'Alright, no detention for you. 'Boys you will go with Hagrid tomorrow night' she says. 'And now to bed' she walks away with the boys behind her. I walk in the back when we enter the castle, McGonagall goes to her office and Scorpius tries to talk to me but I run to the astronomy tower. They didn't follow me because they thought I ran to my dorm. I sobbed myself in sleep and slept there the whole night.

POV Kaelin
After detention I walked to the slytherin common room where 2 little boys were pacing back and forth. 'Soo hey guys what's up?' I say. 'Ciara is gone and we don't know where she went..' Scorpius says. 'You idiot' I say to Scorpius. 'You lost my baby sister?! Did she ran outside or inside?' 'Inside, we thought she would go to her dorms but we haven't seen her enter and we asked a couple Gryffindors, but they haven't seen her either' Albus says
He is really upset about this isn't he? I'll have to find out later what that is all about. First my little baby sister.

'She is in the astronomy tower, you idiots, you 2 never read or ask information about family's do you? Fyi you father always went there, it's a place we're no one comes so you can be alone' I spoke. I ran out of the common when I got a flashback from the last time she was there, she was freezing because she forget a blanket and everything. I run back inside and grab a blanket and a couple of pillows. I ran to the astronomy tower and almost killed myself over those bloody moving stairs.

'Ciara?' I whisper. I hear moving but no voice, I walk in the astronomy tower and see that she is laying on the ground. 'Here little girl, nice and warm' I say as I put her on and in a blanket. I feel so bad to walk away like this because now she is all alone.. I decide to stay with her and sleep here tonight. In two days it's vacation time, our Christmas break. The first Christmas where we won't be living together. Today was our last day of school. 2 days of packing and she will be going 'home' and I'll go to "our home" if you can still call it that. I just hope that everything is going to turn out alright.

POV Ciara
I wake up in somebody's arms, I breath in deeply and smell the perfume from KAELIN!! She came looking for me and she stayed with me.. I turn around and hug her tight. 'I love you 2 little doll' She says. 'I love you more you came looking for me, I love that about you you know that right?' I say. 'Ofcourse I know I'm your big sister' we laugh.
We talked for what felt like minutes but they were hours many of them. I absolutely love it to talk to Kaelin she is so open and confident, I just love everything about her.
'Kaelin? Why did you walk with Albus to breakfast yesterday?' I ask softly.
'Oh I just needed to talk to him about wether or not I should tell James about the dre..visions and he said i should just go and tell him, so i did and luckily he didn't get mad' she said. 'Ohh I thought that there was something way worse, I thought he told you about the night in the library, when I was looking up information about my family, they came in and went into the restricted section too. So I went and asked them why they were there, they still didn't tell me why but Scorpius said that I could say nothing to anyone and that they were never in the library. And when I wanted to talk about it later, Scorpius said something about my dad and stuff and that is when i ran away. And I didn't want Albus to tell you about the library night and about all of this because I wanted to tell you myself' I ranted in one breath. 'Wow that is a mouth full babygurl, but I'm glad you told me'

'It is four o'clock, we should probably be packing now' Kaelin suggests. 'Yeah we should' We walk out of the astronomy tower and go to our rooms after we gave each-other a hug and i thanked her again for being there for me. I packed my suitcases, grabbed some dinner and of to bed. Tomorrow I'll be going home.. I hope everything will turn out fine, whatever happens we'll see with Christmas.

Hey guys were back, don't think you missed us but you know were here anyways. We are working on a lot of chapters so stay tuned for that!! Aaanndd we love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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