6. Coming clean

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I feel awful I really want to be mad at James for getting me detention, then I see his face and his smile and there I go forgiving him uuhhhgg. I really can't handle this and now everything with his father, how am I supposed to tell James I've been lying to him? I still have the weird dreams. I really don't want to label them as visions then everything gets real. How am I going to tell James al this.

"Just tell him already." I hear a girl say. I turnened around and I saw Maya one of my best friends.
"You think he will understand?"
"You never know if you dont try Maybe talk to albus they are brothers after all."
"You're smart I'm gonna go sneak in to the boys dorms and wake him up." I say while walking towards the boys dorms.
"Or you just wait for him?" Maya said.
"What's the fun in that?" I ask smiling. "Whatever I'm going to the library if you need me." Maya said. I nodded and walked further.

I bumped into Scorpius.
"Scorpius!" I say a little to loud.
"Y...yes?" He says shy.
"Don't worry I'm not angry with you not now. Have you seen Albus?" I say nonchalant.
"Yeah he's in our room." Scorpius says confused.
"Can you please take me there?"
"I...yeah okay." Scorpius was definitely doubting his decision I just didn't care and walked further.
"Are you coming or not?" I shout.
He just ran my way and started walking in front of me as he led the way. We stopped and I saw Albus he was still sleeping, so cute.
"Thanks Scorpius I owe you one now you can go."
"okay...bye." Scorpius said and ran off.

I walked in and jumped on Albus his bed
"wake up sleeping beauty."
Albus woke up and looked at me
"what time is it? Did I miss class?" He speaks soft.
"No you didn't breakfast starts in one hour I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what? Am I in trouble? How did you find me? Whatever Ciara said it isn't true! I..."

"Albus breath you're not in trouble, Scorpius showed me you're room, I wanted to talk about something I have to tell James and Ciara didn't tell me anything."

"I... about James?"

"I kinda lied to him, well I didn't lie I just never told him and then you're father showed up and wants to help me with it. James knows I spoke with you're dad but he doesn't know about what and if I tell him he might get angry. James also got me detention so I was planning on avoiding him all day and telling him everything in detention."

"Kaelin, I dont get a thing from everything you just told me, but I don't think avoiding him is a good idea. My dad was here?"

"Yes he was. I just don't know what to do Albus, I don't want James to be mad at me..."

"Tell him the truth and it'll be fine."

"Thanks Albus I will. I guess I gotta go now...bye."

"Wait can we meet in the common room I have a question for you."

"Yeah sure"

With that said I walked out of the room and went to the common room. I just sat there on the Slytherin green couch with the silver pillows, thinking of so many things especially about James. I don't want him to be mad at me, not like he has any right to be mad. I watched the water from the lake and the sun reflecting in it. It's breathtaking so beautiful. Then Albus walked in and sat next to me on the couch. He looked at me awkwardly before he started talking.

"I Wanted to ask you something." Albus said nervous. "Well what are you waiting for shoot" I said smiling. How did you became friends with my brother?" Albus said looking down. "You really want to know? I wanna tell you but it's a long story."
"Well I have time." Albus just said.
"Okay so when we were going to Hogwarts for the fist time we sat together in the train with 2 other people but there not important right now. We talked and had fun we arrived at Hogwarts and we walked in together. The moment we walked to that door to get sorted by the sorting hat I thought everything was gonna change. I knew you're brother wanted to go to Gryffindor but I knew I was gonna be a Slytherin like my dad. We were sorted, James became a Gryffindor and I became a Slytherin. The next day I walked up to him in one of the corridors and said hello. He looked at me in shock and then said "aren't you going to ignore me? Because I'm a Gryffindor and you're a Slytherin you know." I looked at him and laughed "no I don't have a reason to ignore you." I said smiling. "You're a Slytherin, Slytherin's hate Gryffindor's." James said still in shock. "Well Slytherin's may hate and ignore Gryffindor's but I'm not gonna hate or ignore you." I said friendly. "Promise?" James said smiling. "promise." I said an then I hugged him." "So that's how we became friends." I said to Albus who listened smiling to the story. "Then why is my brother so mean to me about being a Slytherin?!" Albus said frustrated. "Well he changed a lot you know and I honestly don't think it's because you're in Slytherin" I whispered. "You don't?" Albus asked confused. "Maybe it's something personal but I don't know." I said still whispering. "Why are you whispering?" Albus asked confused. "Cause I can" I said smiling. We both started laughing. At that moment Albus felt like the little brother I would never have. Did one of you ever break the promise? Albus asked with a serious look on his face but he still had those friendly eyes. "Well as I said James changed he didn't want to walk to class together and when we were hanging out he always brought his friends and they said mean things about Slytherin's, James too." While you were there? Albus asked. "Yes and he never said sorry, James once made the mistake to say something mean well more personal about me to his friends. I looked James right in the eyes and said "if you think our friendship is going to be like this you can start to think again because if you keep this act on I'm going to be worse then you're worst nightmare way worse you understand?" He looked at me with fear in his eyes an then he said sorry and just walked away. Later he gave me flowers to apologize again." I said to Albus. "Wow James actually was afraid of a girl?" Albus asked "not just a girl me Kaelin Delaney." I said proud. "Don't tell James I told you okay? I quickly said. "I'll try" Albus said smiling. We then decided to go and get breakfast.

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