3. Hogwarts here I come

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I looked around for anyone else that could help me. Then I saw the man with raven black hair that I bumped into on the street yesterday. He walked up to me and smiled friendly. 'I overheard your conversation just now and I know where you need to go' the man said. I looked at him and said friendly but careful 'I'm not allowed to talk or go with strangers sir'. He looked at me and smiled 'I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm Harry, Harry Potter'. 'Ciara, Ciara Lucia Malfoy'. I said. He looked really shocked for a moment or 2 but then his face got back to a warm smile again, I decided not to ask or mention about it.... I looked behind Harry and saw a boy that looked exactly like Harry the same hair and emerald green eyes, but my age and without the glasses. I saw another boy that looked exactly like Harry but Kaelins age. 'Dad we have to go otherwise we will miss the train.' The boy my age said. Harry nodded and looked at me 'Are you going with us? You will be on the same train.' I just nodded not knowing what would happen. I followed them to the wall between platform 9 and 10 and the oldest boy just ran into it and disappeared. Harry said 'Go on you two'. The boy looked at his dad, nodded and just ran into the wall just like his brother and I just stood there. 'I'll go with you, Ciara' Harry said. Then he grabbed my trolley with my stuff and my shoulder. 'Just hold on and keep running.' We ran and then we were at a train station? I looked around in confusion and then I saw my brother running up to me and pulling me with him. I saw Kaelin talking to the older raven black haired boy who ran into the wall first. I let go of Scorpius and walked right towards Kaelin. I tapped her at her shoulder and gave her a bitchy look. 'why did you run away? I was all alone' I snapped. 'I'm sorry, I thought you were right behind me an- oh because it is soo natural too run into a brick wall huh?' I finished her sentence. 'you were alone for a minute or 2 and then you my father offered to help you get through the portal' The boy spoke. And now it was Kaelin that gave me the bitchy face. But I hadn't found out why jet. 'who are you anyway?' A girl asked. 'she is Ciara Malfoy' Kaelin answered. 'But Malfoy had one kid right? That Scorpius kid' a boy said. 'It were twins and he.. they gave one away witch was me' I spoke. 'but if you'll excuse me I'm going to find my brother' I added and walked towards the train taking one more glance at the filled train station and then walking in. I was looking in almost every compartment but Scorpius was a good hider. You were so busy looking for your brother that you bumped into a girl. 'Oh I'm so sorry' you said. 'It was my fault' we said in union. We laughed.

'I'm Ciara'

'I'm Rose'

'And I'm Albus, so what are we doing?' the boy that walked trough the wall before me said.

'We bumped into each other and just told each other our names that's it' Rose said to Albus.

'Alright but I found a compartment do you want to sit with us?' he said not really knowing what my name was. 'Ciara' I said as clarification. 'And yes, that would be nice'

We walked through the train into a compartment. 'Ciara there you are, I was almost giving you up as lost' Scorpius said concerned. 'So that is your boyfriend?' Rose asked while I looked at Albus who was trying to hide a sad face. 'No silly, he is my brother' Albus his face cleared up as sun for snow. 'Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy' Scorpius spoke. 'We should go have a nice day' Rose said while Albus sat down at the opposite of you. 'Rose we aren't going to be like are parents were, sit down and have a good time they don't seem bad' Albus said. She sat down as well and we all said our names to clarify.

'Albus Severus Potter'

'Rose Granger-Weasley'

'Scorpius Lucius Malfoy'

'Ciara Lucia Malfoy'

We chatted about our life's and our acceptations for Hogwarts. 'In witch house do you guys want to be?' I asked. 'Gryffindor' Albus and Rose said in union. 'Slytherin' Scorpius said. 'And you Ciara?' Rose asked. 'I do not know actually, my father says that I have to be a Slytherin but Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor also sound like me.' I said in dubio. 'Anything from the trolley dears?' the witch broke the silence. 'Could you buy me some chocolate frogs?' I asked my brother. 'Of course' I got 2 and at the bottom were these pictures one was Harry and one was Professor Dumbledore. 'I got your dad Albus, he's got his own card' I said. 'I know pretty cool right?' he spoke.

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