5. Mischief managed?

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''come in'' a female voice spoke to us. We walked inside and I saw that it was my mom that was waiting for us. ''Mom, what are you doing here?'' I asked when I sat down in a chair, Kaelin did the same. ''I wanted to check in on you because I got a letter from miss McGonagall'' she spoke. ''do you also think that I'm a disgrace for the family?'' I almost whispered. ''what?!'' ''and a mudblood?'' ''Ciara why in Godrics name would I think that about you?'' she spoke unknowing why I had asked those things. ''because father does'' I cried. ''I'm a Gryffindor mom, and he hates me for it'' ''Oh sweetheart I'm so proud of you, I don't care in witch house you are. You are my daughter and I will always love you for who you are.'' She spoke and held me in a tight hug while I was calming down. ''I'm going to rip that man apart'' my mother said under her breath. My mom was on my side.. s-she love-ed me for who I am. We let go. ''But misses Malfoy- call me Astoria dear. Astoria why are you here?'' Kaelin asked reading my mind because I was going to say the same thing. ''what I said, miss McGonagall send me a letter about Ciara's health and I immediately came as soon as I could''  my mom said.  ''What letter? Health?- I want to read it'' Kaelin finished my sentence, she was really serious about it.

Why would she want to know, the letter is about me.

The letter

Dear Misses Malfoy,

I'm sending you this letter because I am truly concerned about Ciara's health. She is alone, most of the time. At the times that we have to eat she doesn't talk with anyone and sits alone at the table staring at her food. When she has the time she goes to the library, that can be coming from her father because he did that aswell. But Ciara is there so most that she comes back in her commenroom at times like 3,4 sometimes 5 a.m. in the morning and then she sleeps and sits at breakfast at 6:30. I'm concerned that she might be going into a depression. So I wanted you to know and invite you to Hogwarts to come and check on her. I figured that it is the best that you come alone and that you don't come with Draco, you will find out soon why, but I think you already know or Ciara wants to tell it you herself.


End of letter

''this isn't true'' Kaelin said. ''She isn't always alone, I'm with her most of the time, and a depression? She is the happiest kid I know. Yes she might be out of rhythm with her sleep but that doesn't mean that McGonagall has to make such a big deal about it?'' Kaelin almost yelled in anger. ''I am going this is nonsense'' she grabs my arm and we run into harry. ''when did you came in?'' I say in surprise. ''Nice to see you too Ciara'' he says. ''I was here the whole time, but I am here for another reason then your mother. I am here for you Kaelin'' he continues. Kaelin her eyes become big and she looks like Harry knows something that he shouldn't. ''McGonagall wrote me about the dreams you have, your visions.'' Harry said. ''I don't get it'' Kaelin replied. '' I had them to, visions. When I was entering Hogwarts and they were about the Dark Lord. And they became true'' he explained. ''we have some questions about the situations for the both of you'' my mom said. We nodded. ''Ciara why are you up so late in the library'' my mom asked. ''I just love to read, and I then lose track of time. Just like father.'' I spoke. ''How do you know that you father did that?'' she said. ''Scorpius told me'' I said while I played with my earring.


She was lying, I could see it. She playes with her earrings if she is lying. ''I believe you'' her mother said while doing the exact same thing as Ciara. She has the same thing when she lies, she has it from her mother. Ciara looks at me and we think the same thing her mom knows that she is lying. ''Kaelin, are you afraid to go to sleep at night because of your visions?'' Harry asks to break the silence. ''they are nightmares, they aren't visions'' I shoot back. ''but are you afraid of your visions?'' he asks again. ''They aren't visions so I have nothing to be afraid of'' I shoot again. Harry opens his mouth to say something when the door shots open. It is Neville, saved by the bell. I have to go to Herbology. ''Kaelin has to go to class'' Neville says. ''I have to go too'' Ciara says and runs away at lighting speed. Before I get the change to walk away Harry says: ''when you feel like it you can always talk to me, because we have to figure out what this is.'' And with that said I walk away to my Herbology. I walk into the classroom, everyone is already in their pairs for the task we got. I try to avoid James, but unfortunately we are partners for this task. He runs after me towards are little flower garden (that we had to build for the task) ''Kaelin why are you ignoring me?'' he asks. ''I talked with your dad, a REAL conversation..'' I answer. James looks at me with a very puzzle face. ''I will tell you eventually'' ''you can tell me now I have enough time''

''you are going to use my precious class time to talk mister Potter?'' Neville interferes. ''no sir, sorry sir'' he says. ''can you at least tell me what's its about'' He asks when Neville walks away. ''Sir Potter, Miss Delaney if you go on like this then you will get detention'' Neville speaks. ''Potter, shut up. I will tell you eventually okay?'' I said clearly. ''but I'm curious now'' he responds. '''Detention for the both of you and 10 points from your houses'' Neville spoke clearly. Then we didn't talk about it anymore, we just talked about our beautiful flower garden. Neville walked towards us and stopped right in front of us. "Detention starts tomorrow" Neville spoke. Then he just walked away. I gave James a death glare. "I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen" he spoke soft. I immediately felt guilty because i know he didn't want us to have detention. "Its okay we have each other right?" I spoke with a small smile. He nods and we go back to our project.


I walk towards the girls dormitories and get changed in my sweatpants and my glasses. (reading glasses, I don't need them throughout the day)     I grab my notebook and my pencil case. I sneak out the common room so I'm sure that no one follows me. I see my brother and Albus walking through the corridors but they didn't notice me. Thank Godric for that. I continue my way to the library, I walk in and nobody is there, as usual. Without thinking I walk towards the restricted section and sit in the back of it, then I cried everything was just to much. I wiped my tears away and grab a couple of books and start reading and writing all my theories, things that I need to remember, things that I need to know more off down. After a couple ours, the library is almost going to close, but someone walks in, and in the restricted section. I freeze in the spot were I was sitting, I cant leave then they know that I was here and then I will get in big trouble, and that isn't something I also need to worry about besides my dad.. uhm father. Then I see the shadows of who came in, I recognize those voices everywhere. Albus and Scorpius, but why were they here. They were talking about a spell book and that Albus had to watch out for people so Scorpius could grab a hold on the book they were looking for. I was way to curious so I wanted to get a better look of the 2 boys, but I knocked a book over and backed off, I'm totally caught. But the boys didn't seem to hear it, I could quite see what they were doing so I again tried to get closer but I tripped over the book that I had knocked over, just my luck. ''CIARA?!" they yelled in union. ''sshh it is almost curfew, and yes it is me'' I answer. ''what are you doing here?'' Albus asks. ''what are you doing here?'' I wobble my eyebrows. ''okay, we were never here. And we wont tell a living soul about this capice?'' Scorpius said like a crazy drugs dealer. He walks away but turns around once more. ''especially not father'' and with that he walks away leaving me and Albus behind. Albus and I walk out of the restricted section together towards the exit of the library, when we are almost at the exit I try to get out of Albus why they were there. ''Albus why were the 2 of you here?''  he ignores me and runs away towards the Slytherin common room, leaving me at the door opening from the library. What was this al about what were they hiding from me and why would they want a spell book? As puzzled as I was I walked to the Gryffindor common room and went to bed. It was a long day and I hadn't slept very good the last view nights.

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