"I'm not one for parties"

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"So, basically there is this party - tonight, and we have to go. And seriously Kerri, you are going to go this time, cuz if you don't, I will come over to the Evans house and visit you," Kelsi explained on the other side of the phone. "Ha, coming over for a visit didn't sound bad at all," I told her.

"Oh, I'm not finished, I will come over and leave a note in Ryan's room saying how you like him and want to marry him."

"Ok, I do not like him OR want to marry him," I said.

"I don't care," Kelsi replied menacingly. She would do it as well. "Fine I'll go, but you're getting ready over here and bringing everything - including my outfit," I said raising my eyebrows even though she couldn't see me. "Deal, I'm gonna be there in 20 mins," she said and hung up.

True to her word, Kelsi arrived within 20 minutes with a a massive bag of everything. "I got you your dress, so too bad if you don't like it."

I held the door open as she walked inside and then I went infront of her walking to the the guest bedroom/my room. It was thr first time she had come to Ryan's house and she gasped when she saw my room. She wasn't suprised like I was when I first came, she already knew how amazing it was after me explaining the house in detail to her multiple times. "You're so lucky, I wish I could live here - with Ryan. Do his friends come round, Dan and Oscar?"

"Yeah - a lot, but I'm usually out the way," I replied.

"Well, let's start getting ready, the party starts at 21.00, I'm doing your hair and makeup."

"Okay, you're done," Kelsi said spinning me round to look in the mirror. Wow! I looked so...different, in a good way. Kelsi had done my make up pale, she had put light blue eye shadow on my eyes and used a bit of mascara, and put very pale pink blush on my cheekbones and light pink lipstick to go with it. She had also straightened my normally curly hair - it looked like selena gomez's hair, she's my idol! It was now hung, dead straight below my shoulders. And I have to give credit to Kelsi for my dress, it was a midnight blue and came just below my knees. Kelsi looked beautiful too, she was wearing a tight red dress that came just above her knees.

We left the guestroom and walked down the hall towards the stairs, we saw Ryan exit his room, he saw me and his eyes widened slightly as he stopped. "Going to somewhere?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"You shouldn't go," he said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because it's Andrew's party," he answered still not explaining why I shouldn't go. Then I started to recognise the name. "Andrew..." I said slowly. "Andrew...that jock that tries to flirt with me, and is probably just making fun of me?! Did you know this Kelsi?"

"Yes, but he invited us specifically, he's in my History class and he asked if we wanted to come."

"But you know I don't like him," I argued.

"Come on Kerri, the person that's hosting the party doesn't matter, we probably won't see him at all," she said.

"Okay...but, how did you know I didn't like him," I asked Ryan.

"I didn't know, but I know that he is a player, not good news. And I kinda guessed that you wouldn't like him anyway," he replied, I raised my eyebrows. "Well, I'm going now," I said walkimg down the stairs. Kerri followed and we got into her car.

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