His hands wrapped around my waist...

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"Let's make this three course meal and we're done," I said to Ryan as he sauntered down to the kitchen. "Don't you want to take your time, this way, you'll get to spend more time with me," Ryan said, with a smirk on his face. "No, thanks, I'll pass, the sooner we get this done, the better."

"Ooh, that hurts. You got me right here," he said holding his heart and laughing slightly. His signature smirk formimg back on his face. "So, can you cook?" I asked, ignoring his last comment and rolling my eyes. "Yeah, I can cook," he answered, raising an eyebrow. "But shouldn't you be cooking, you're a girl."

"Shut up, don't be so sexist. I can't cook, but I guess the kitchen is where all the knives are, " I replied wanting to hit him, what a jerk. "Woah, calm down, no need to bring knives into this," he replied, holding up his hands. I had printed off the recipie for lasange off the Internet and began to follow the insructions. Ryan walked over and read over m shoulder. I tried to ignore the feeling of him being so close to me but it was difficult seeing as an exceptionally hot guy was practically resting his chin on my shoulder. "You chop the onions and I'll cut up the herbs then you can handle the minced meat stuff," Ryan said. I turned around and leaned against the counter. "I'll agree to that up until the part where I handle the meat. You are doing that. Ew. No way am I touching that," I said scrunching up my nose at the idea of touching mince meat. I guess I was a tiny bit wimpy but only with meat. I didn't like the idea of touching a raw dead animal. "Hmm fine - if you take all the blame when this turns out bad and gives everyone food poisoning," he said

"Fine," I answered. That was an easy deal.

"And! - you don't get off that lightly - you come with me, Dan, Oscar and Madison, to Oscar's house tomorrow night after school," Ryan quickly added. I frowned, why would he want me to come with him there. I thought if this was a good idea, but then caught sight of that meat and nodded. "Ok then," he said weirdly cheerfully. I started to chop the onions when suddenly, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my finger and gasped. I looked down to see that red blood was seeping out of a small deep cut on my finger. Ryan came walking over and saw blood dripping on the the counter. "Ooh shit," he said and just stood there. Then he suddenly grabbed my wrist and lead me to the sink where he ran my finger under cold water. He told me to sit on the counter while he got a plaster but the counter was too high up, not that I was short or anything. He sighed and walked over. Placing his hands on my waist, he placed me up on the counter and walked off the a cupboard where the first aid stuff was. He brought out some cream and a plaster, " That cut looks nasty," he said as he put the cream on my finger and wrapped the plaster around. He put the cream back in the cupboard and came back to lift me down. He placed his hands on my waist, he just stood there staring and me, his face so close, I could feel his breath on my face. My heart was beating scarily fast, until, suddenly, he just turned away and continued chopping the herbs.

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