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I wanna be potions teacher so I wrote this. XD:

"And did you know that-" Harry Potter's grandson was beginning.

"Potter! You are so much like your father and grandfather. .. Always blabbing... at least that's what I've heard." Cameron hollered.

"By who?" (name)____ Potter asked.

"Who asked does not matter, but five points from (house)____." Cameron yelled.

"UUUUUGH. "____ Potter groaned.

"Five more points! And for wasting our time, ten more. Anyhow, may someone name what a bezoar is?" Cameron asked, right as foot steps stomped to the door.

The door opened, and a teacher came out. It was Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Connor, Cameron's brother. "Cameron! Headmaster needs to have a word with y-" He began.

"Avis! Oppungo! Yes brother, immediately ." He said as the birds shot out and headed to attack Connor. Connor shouted a bit as he ran off, away from the birds, and Cameron followed. Cameron looked back and muttered a spell, shooting grey dust in to the air, which later evaporated and disappeared. Connor was still screaming, and Cameron had just muttered "Sonorus on his throat. He laughed a little, for he was not all emo- some prankster and fun.

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