Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Looking out her window, Lucy felt a bit frightened as the wind howled and blew pretty hard against her house. Her house wasn't as sturdy as other houses since it was built in the nineteen hundreds and the wind and rain pounding against didn't help at all. It was a horrible storm and she knew that—she just wondered how long it'll take for it to stop.

She did need a shelter over her head.

"Lucy! Come downstairs, it's time for dinner! Dan is also over!" Her mother shouted from downstairs making her groan and drag herself out of her room.

Coming down the stairs, she peeked through the living room towards the kitchen to see her idiotic little fan-boy who was a bit too obsessive over her. Knowing him since they were really young and with her a year older, he always followed her around and always asked her to be his. But honestly, she didn't see him like that. He was more like a younger brother than a boyfriend type.

"Lu-Lu! I was just talking to your mom about you."

"Dan... Why are you here?" She said straight out, slowly walking towards her childhood friend and mother as Layla gave her daughter a small scowl.

Dan didn't look like that offended him as he grinned. "Because the storm was pretty rough and I was worried about my two favorite ladies!"

"And you're welcome to eat dinner with us."

"Mama—"She started to whine but Layla cut her off. "Lucy, be nice."

"No, no, I understand. My beautiful Lucy needs to eat, I understand. I promise I'll give you all the fatty goods!"

"I don't like fatty foods!"

Suddenly, as if someone just tackled the Heartfillia residence, the house was shoved to the side and all of the three were pushed. Falling to the floor, the three gasped and were greeted with creaking noises and something falling.

Dan was the first one to stand up and grab the older woman and rush over to where Lucy was.

"Hurry, we have to get out of here before the house comes down!"

"Dan, the house isn't going to—"Lucy started to say but stopped midway when the light above her counter came crashing down and broke into millions of pieces. Lucy and Layla both screamed as it was Dan's job to quickly rush the blondes outside and into safety as the house started to break apart ever so slowly.

Standing in the pouring rain, the three watched as their house crumbled apart and blew apart as if some explosive was doing the job.

The house crumbled to their feet before their eyes and just as if it was on cue, the rain stopped and the dark clouds got washed away, having the little rays of sunlight come out for a small peek into the world.

It looked like a great day but to the Heartfillia's it was the worst.

"So... you ended up at a Hotel and you're now sleeping there?" Cana asked the blonde who slowly dragged her feet against the dirt ground as they made their way to school. Leaning against her friend, Levy, she could only sigh and nod as Cana clicked her tongue in disapproval. "That must be expensive."

"Yeah... but it's only for today because I heard that my mama's friend contacted her right after the whole incident and they said we could move in with them."

"Lu-Chan, if I could, I would have allowed you to stay with me! But my stupid parent's said we can't..."

"It's alright. I'm just staying at my mama's friend's house until our new house is rebuilt or we buy a new one. And you know what that means... bigger room!" Lucy cried out, trying to be enthusiastic about this as she really wasn't.

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