Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Fixing her bowtie around her neck for the final time, Lucy let out a deep breath as she examined her outfit for that morning. She looked decent and looked almost the same as if she did every day, her favorite blue ribbon tied against her side pony tail and her uniform neat and winkle-free as ever. Her make-up was on point that morning and even her hair didn't put up a fight that morning but she preferred it that way, anyways.

After all, today was the day where would finally stop being a High School student and become a Collegestudent.

It was finally graduation day and she was nervous as ever. She was lucky enough to pass her exams and get through all the difficulties getting into a college, now it was just graduation in the way of her upcoming career.

Grabbing the necessary things she needed, she quickly stepped out of her room to be greeted with the male next door, the two staring at each other in surprise.

Awkwardly standing by their doors for a while, Natsu was the first one to move as he took two steps away from his door.

And of course, he was stopped almost immediately.

"W—Wait a minute."


"Erm... I just want to ask... what College you are going to. You didn't tell me which exam you took or even which school you got into... so I just... erm... want to know..."She trailed off awkwardly as she tried to make it sound smooth as possible. But with her stammering and uneasiness, it made it sound forced and Natsu couldn't help but guffaw obnoxiously.

She grimaced at his laughter and glanced up at the taller jock. "Well?"

"I'm not telling you," he teased making her frown slightly. "what are you going to do with that information, anyways?"

"I—I just... I don't know, I just—"

"Just what?" He urged her to go on making her feel even more uncomfortable and powerless. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and she felt the nervousness subside and anger wash over her, hating how he teased her so shamelessly.

"Fine! I just wanted to know what school you're going to, what's the big deal anyways?! You're so annoying all the time and always tease me about everything! You're such a brat, Natsu!"

"A brat? Me? Who's the one screaming at me because I won't tell her which College I've been accepted to?" He asked, stepping closer towards the blonde to tower over her figure making her glare daggers at him. "That's right, it's you miss prissy."

"Don't call me that!" She hissed out, practically plotting his death there. "Why won't you just tell me? What's so secretive about it?!" She cried out, throwing her arms in the air to emphasis her point. "Don't tell me you didn't even get accepted to a College!"

"What's going on here? Why are you two screaming at each other so early in the morning?! And before graduation, too!" Grandine suddenly joined the scene making the two stop and look over at the woman who was dressed in a nice formal black and white dress. She had her luscious locks in a tight low bun and she had a worried scowl decorating her face. "What's going on?"

"She started it, I didn't." Natsu said, raising his hands up in reasoning as he pointed at the gawking female. "She started to go all batshit on me because I wouldn't tell her which College I got into."

"What?! When did I ever go batshit on you?!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Grandine said as she pushed the two away from each other, a sigh flying out of her lips. "It's almost time to go so Natsu, go down and get ready, okay?"

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