Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

That next morning, Lucy was feeling all jittery and flustered. When she woke up, she was greeted with the photo of her and Natsu which was taken the other day at their graduation and she immediately went red since she remembered what happened that night. She still couldn't believe she and Natsu kissed. It felt like a dream to her and now, she was in panic mode since how was she supposed to act in front of him?! Does she mention it or does she ignore it? Are they a couple now since they kissed? What exactly is their relationship status, now?

Thinking about it, Lucy tried her best to avoid the jock that morning while she got ready for her first day of College.

Well, that was what she planned on doing.

As soon as she stepped foot out of her room and went over to the bathroom to take a shower, the said jock came out from the bathroom.

The two froze in their spots, staring at one another like fish out of water and both of them silently tried to get out of each other's way but ended up stepping to side to side, together.

Getting annoyed with it, Natsu cried out. "Geez!"

It made the blonde instantly stop and step out the way for him as he brushed past her leaving her slightly heartbroken.

"What... was I the only one worrying about that kiss?" She murmured to herself, disappointment building up inside her.

When will their relationship ever change?


"Ah, good morning, Lucy! Your mama says good luck on the first day, she had to leave early because she had to go and bake fresh bread this morning." Grandine chirped early that morning as the blonde came downstairs after getting ready. Natsu and Romeo were both seated next to each other as they ate while Grandine served her sons food, soon, putting another plate of food right next to her seat for Lucy. "Come now, it's time for breakfast!"

"C—coming!" She quickly made her way to the table to seat herself. "Thank you for the food!"

"Eat up! I'm sure today will be a tiring day!" She sang happily as she gave her youngest son more food. "Wow, I wish I was a College student again! Seeing you and Natsu all dressed and ready to go—I want to go as well!"

Offering a shy smile towards the blue-haired woman, Lucy flashed a look towards Natsu who seemed to ignore his mother who happily chatted away.

Then, the blonde realized something.

"What happened to your scarf?"

Glancing up from his plate of food, the pink-haired jock cocked a brow at her. "What?"

"Your scarf—it's missing. Did you forget it?"

"I told him to not take that dirty thing with him! He's starting a new school and such, he shouldn't be wearing that thing!"

"Oh, what, you mean this?" The male asked as he pulled his scarf out of his backpack to present to his mother. Grandine's eyes widened and she scowled as the male in front of her smirked and wrapped it around his neck. "You can't possibly think I'll leave the house without this, mom."

"I thought I told you to leave that in your room!"

"Can't, it's my baby."

"Lucy, will you please tell him to trash that thing already?" The woman groaned as she looked over at Lucy for some help.

Natsu looked at the blonde as if he was challenging her to talk smack but Lucy only flushed in embarrassment. "Erm... I think it's fine... it suits him and it's precious to him... I think that's cute that he's holding onto something like that."

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