Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Couple nights later, the Heartfillia family and Dragneel family were all back from the beach and went through with their original schedule. Layla went back to working in her bakery, the kids went to school, Igneel went to work, and Grandine was back at her housewife duties. And also her match-making duties which were getting even more difficult with the way Natsu and Lucy were. They were always having some kind of argument whenever they were near each other and it was horrible.

It was like having a civil war happen right before their eyes and it was unpleasant. Even though she thought the two were going to be a bit more civil after what happened at the beach but it was still the same.

Natsu just teased her more often.

Letting a loud and heavy sigh fly out of her lips, Grandine put down the glass cup she was wiping dry on the counter top to make Lucy glance her way.

"Is everything okay, Mrs. Dragneel?"

"Yeah, everything is okay." She lied as she went back on wiping her belongings as Lucy and Romeo eyed her weirdly. "Just a bit bored."

Just then Natsu came down the stairs with his hands shoved in his pockets, the look of boredom and tiredness stretched across his face as he offered a sweet smile to Romeo. When his eyes caught Lucy's, it turned into a cocky smirk making her scowl.

"What's going on, housemaid?"

"Natsu!" Grandine scowled making Lucy roll her eyes as she finished wiping a plate dry as the male went over to the fridge to grab the water to walk over to where they were drying cups to grab one. "Apologize right now, mister."

"She's fine with it, mom. It's called teasing." He said as his eyes flickered towards the blonde as she stuck her tongue out at him making him scoff. "What are you? Five years old?"

"Says the five year old." She shot him a dirty look as he snorted while taking a drink. "Is that your best comeback?"

"What do you want me to do? Go all out?"

"Why not? Let's have a war right here, right now. Bring it, baby." He smirked as she rolled her eyes. "What happened to being nice?"

"I'm teasing. That's a nice gesture. It's what friends do."

"We're not friends."

"Did you hear that, mom? I'm trying to be nice and she shot me down so you can't blame me for this one." He snickered as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen as he placed his palm on top of Romeo's head before disappearing.

Meanwhile, Lucy was muttering indecent words under her breath as Grandine eyed the entrance where her son was.

She honestly didn't know what was going on anymore.

Just then, her phone started to ring making her huff and pick it up, placing it against her ear to answer it. "Hello?" She paused to allow the other person to speak and she suddenly got a bright idea, a wide grin spreading across her face as she bit her lip to force it down. "Oh my, really?! Oh my god! I'll be over soon! Yes, yes! Yes! See you soon! Yes, bye-bye!" She quickly hung up as she faked looking worried as she clutched her phone close to her chest. Romeo and Lucy stared at her in confusion as she muttered oh no and what am I going to do? Under her breath.

Quickly running off, she paused right at the bottom of the stairs as Natsu was just half-way up, the male stopping as he watched his mother pace around worried before disappearing into her room.


Putting on matching heels, Grandine had a face-splitting grin on her face as she ushered Romeo to hurry as Lucy and Natsu stood by the door, watching her.

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