Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It's been almost an entire week since she's seen Natsu. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing but she felt so much better not having her heart race every time he was near because he would just confuse her and attack her lips as if they were some kind of thing. And they weren't. Well, as far as she knew, they weren't. But what was Natsu thinking?

Why was he doing these things? What was he thinking when he did these kinds of things to her?

So many questions she had but she would never have the heart to ask. But it wasn't like she has been seeing him around, anyways. The lacrosse boys went on a one week trip to a lacrosse camp and he's been gone since. The last time she's seen him was when he first kissed her multiple times—which she still isn't over it—and she kind of missed him.

Yukino was probably at the camp just so she can watch Natsu do this and that but she knew she could trust him. It wasn't like they were a couple, anyways. He could do whatever he liked.

But why did he heart hurt when she thought about it?

No, she shouldn't think about it. She shouldn't get her hopes up or anything because all that's going to do in the end is bring her down and hurt her again.

Flopping herself down on her bed, Lucy stare up at her ceiling in complete boredom as she had nothing else to do but stare at her walls. Everything was going by slowly and even classes seemed really bad and boring as she had nothing to look forward to in the end of the day because the entire lacrosse team was at camp and Natsu wasn't even home to entertain her.

How could she let this guy get to her whom she didn't even like in the first place?

A soft knock on her door brought her attention back, her head turning to the side to look over.

"Lucy?" Grandine whispered, afraid she might be asleep but when she noticed the blonde looking at her, she smiled softly. "Can you do me a favor?"

"A favor?" She echoed, sitting up to look at the woman who coughed slightly. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, dear," she smiled weakly. "do you think you could go pick up Natsu from the station? He'll be here around three thirty and I'm feeling a little under the weather and I just want to rest." She said making Lucy nod and stand up.

"Of course! Please, go rest. I'll go pick Natsu up," Lucy said earning another smile and weak cough from the woman before she left to go rest. It left Lucy standing in her room with her heart racing in her chest as she took in a deep breath. "pick up Natsu?" She muttered to herself, her eyes wide in fear. "You can do it, Lucy. You're just picking him up. You can do it." She whispered to herself as she glanced up at her wall clock making her gasp. "I have to get ready!"

And with that, she ran around her room to get dressed to go pick up the said devil.


It was either that Grandine was lying to her about being sick or that it was God telling her that this was something she should get used to but she had been with Natsu way too often for it to be coincidence. But it wasn't like it was a bad thing, he was good company. Well, sometimes.

Right now, she stood by at station, watching how train after train came and how every time the train opened, her heart would stop because she was just that afraid to see Natsu again.

Should she expect something from him, now? Or should she just keep her hopes down because Natsu screws her over like that all the time?

She felt jittery and nervous to see him once more and now, as she stood by the station with her heart pounding and sweat pouring down her forehead, Lucy felt like she was going to piss her pants sometime soon. If not now, later.

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