chapter two

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Sakura's P.O.V

A few months have passed since my encounter with the older of the Uchiha brothers. And I've yet to take him up on his offer to visit the compound. Well until now but that's only because I have no choice! While shopping with my mother, a few days ago, we ran into Mikoto Uchiha and Itachi in the market.

"Mabuki? Mabuki Haruno, is that you?" Called a sweet voice from behind us. We turned to find two dark haired individuals. "Well if it isn't Mikoto Uchiha! Its been way to long, how are the boys?" They embraced each other and the Uchiha matriarch gestured toward Itachi. "Sprouting like weeds as you can see." We both looked towards the male standing next to her and his eyes were on me. How long had he been looking at me?

"Well, Itachi-kun, you certainly are a handsome man now, aren't you? The last time I saw you was when you were.. What ten? after that you got so busy I haven't seen much of you since." Asked my mother with a cheeky smile... One that spelled trouble, as Mikoto mirrored the same look. You could tell they were childhood friends. "That sounds correct Haruno-san." He finally looked at my mother, the weight of his gaze lifted off my shoulders. "Itachi-kun, why so formal, please just call me oba, like you used to." Mother said hugging him, he reluctantly returned the show of affection. You could tell they weren't a very touchy family. Mine on the other hand, lived on hugs and making sure to tell each other we loved each other. But that's because of my father. He always says, "you never know what the last thing you'll say to someone will be. So make sure they know you care."

"Sakura-chan, I do hope my younger son is treating you well." I looked at her and blinked before what she'd asked registered. "Oh, Sasuke-kun is.. Well Sasuke-kun. Haha.. But we all look out for each other." She giggled. "I have a brilliant idea! Why don't you all come over for dinner Friday night? I'm sure Fagaku, wouldn't mind picking Kizashi's big brain. We'll invite Kushina and Naruto-kun too. Oh! 'Tachi-chan, you should invite Shisui-kun as well! I'm missing my nephew." My mother clapped, "Oh, that's a wonderful idea! We will certainly be there." I looked at my mother, "But Mama! W-what if I'm scheduled at the hospital?!" She began to dig through her purse and pulled out a copy of my schedule!? "Nope you're clear. We'll be there!" I sweat dropped, "Why do you have a copy of my work schedule?" She huffed, "Please, Sakura-chan, do you remember what I do for a living? Retrieving a copy of my daughter's work schedule is child's play." Mikoto and my mother laughed together. "Perfect see you around seven! Come 'Tachi-chan."

So three days later and here we are outside the Uchiha household. All dressed nicely, we pulled off dressy-casual well. My father wore a red yukata-shirt with white Obi and black pants. My mother wore a flattering white sleeveless dress, with three circles, our family crest in red, on the front. Myself, I wore a red sundress with  pastel pink cherry blossoms the started at the bottom in a cluster and slowly fadded toward the waistline. It appeared as though they were wind blown petals. Appropriate, huh? Sometimes my mother had an interesting sense of humor.

My mother knocked and the door was answered by my dark haired teammate. He eyed me and those dark eyes widened for half a second before returning to his usual callous self. It's like he'd never seen me in a dress. He invited us in and was embraced by my mother. He gave her a slight smile before we continued to the garden in the back yard. Burning lanterns and the fading light of a warm day caused the colors of the beautiful garden to be even more so. There was a long, low sitting table on the porch and the aromas of many dishes. "Sakura-chan!!" Suddenly Naruto came running at me, knocking me to the ground. The plate full of dango my mother and I made went flying, only to be caught by the ever stoic Fagaku Uchiha, still in uniform, he must have just returned home. "Well Naruto must be here." He said with a note of humor. Sasuke pulled Naruto off of me, "Dobe, pay attention, next time." Naruto rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously before being hit by his mother. "Baka, you don't tackle a girl. Especially one in a dress!" "Ouch! Sorry Sakura-chan.." I stood, "It's okay Naruto."

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