Chapter Eleven

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Sakura's P.O.V

Just one month after the birth of our twins, Itachi and I decided to tie the knot. To join each other in eternity, and live for each other. It was difficult to plan a wedding in one month but it was better to do it sooner rather than later. Itachi had been staying in my apartment, he refused to sleep under the same roof as his father. Oh, how I wished he would just forgive him, Fagaku would never do anything to cause me bodily harm intentionally. It was my fault as well, for jumping in the way but I couldn't watch Itachi be hurt. "Itachi-kun, could you go out today and pick up our yukata for next week?" I was in the middle of flower arranging with Ino otherwise I would do it myself. This girl could kill my patience, especially since the twins had kept me up throughout the week. "Hai." Itachi said while placing a cup of piping hot tea in front of me. He always seemed to know just what I needed.

"Now Sakura, since Sakura blooming season is upon us, I think we should hold the wedding on your birthday during the festival. And at the park." Ino said arranging tulips and lillies into a bouquet. I looked up at her, "That's Thursday, it's going to be busy. And what about the children? It may be too cold still." She waved me off, "The weather is warm that day and their yukata are thick enough anyway. Itachi, what are your thoughts?" We both looked at him, "I don't see anything wrong with it. Hokage-sama already planned on making it a spectacle, I will let him know." With that he walked out into the spring air to retrieve our clothing for the occasion. Sighing, I agreed and continued arranging vases.

"Where are the kids anyway?" Ino asked as she'd moved onto folding napkins, she was an expert at this wedding stuff and I couldn't understand it. "They are with their Uncle Sasuke and Naruto, which makes me nervous but somehow they talked me into it." She laughed, "You worry to much forehead. They're both great with the twins." I smiled and agreed. This time I was the one to giggle, "What?" She asked curious. "It's funny, last year Itachi asked me to be his girlfriend on my birthday and now I'm marrying him on my eighteenth birthday." She laughed again, "You're right." Just then the door swung open and in came Naruto and Sasuke, twins in toe. "Sakura-chan, we're back!" Sasuke hit our annoying best friend on the head, "Dobe they're sleeping." They both retreated to the kids' room to lay them down and returned a short while later. "What did you guys do today?" I asked as they joined Ino and I in folding napkins. "We got Raman and then Sasuke insisted we buy them more toys. He really spoils those two."  Everyone giggled, "They are important to me, why shouldn't I spoil them? Is everything prepared for next week?" Sasuke asked changing the subject. "We've actually moved the wedding up to Thursday." Ino said with a cheery tone, my best friends looked confused, "That's your birthday and the festival. It's going to be a very busy day." All I did was nod, "This way Itachi and I don't have to worry about a reception at least. Everyone can just go to the festival after dinner. I'm going to have to come home and take care of the children after anyway. This way I don't have to host. Besides it was Ino and Itachi's idea." They only sighed, "Sakura this is your wedding not her's. You should handle all of this at your own pace. Shisui isn't brave enough to marry her yet." Naruto said earning a smack from Ino.

"It's fine really. The sooner the better. The clan elders are already down Itachi's throat for having not one but two kids out of wedlock. I'm just surprised they're willing to allow him to run the clan next still. I was worried about bringing shame to the Uchiha for nothing.." Sasuke stopped his folding to look at me, "You were worried about that? Sakura the clan has always loved and accepted you, even when we were children. The only one that could bring shame to the clan is Itachi and that didn't happen. Never concern yourself with such things, that is his job as a man of the Uchiha. If anything they were more upset with him leaving you alone during pregnancy. But he didn't know you were alive and they accepted that. Don't stress yourself out." I only nodded and smiled. It was silent for a very long time before Itachi walked into the house seemingly perplexed. "Anata?" He looked up at me when I called out to him. The others eyed him in concern as well. "I went to let Minato-sama know about the changes and alert the guests and.." He looked as though he was trying to find the words. "Yes Aniki?" Sasuke asked anxious but hiding it well. "He asked me to succeed him as Hokage." Everything fell silent, until I rose from my seat and tackle him to the ground. "Congratulations 'Tachi-kun!! I'm so happy for you!" He chuckled lightly and kissed my nose. He helped me to stand and the others congratulated him as well. "When are they going to make the announcement?" Asked Naruto, he was happy for Itachi but you could see the slight disappointment in the seventeen year old's eyes.

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