Chapter Six

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Sakura's P.O.V

Three weeks had passed since I'd been released from the hospital. Three weeks since I'd seen Itachi.. I know he won't be the lovey-dovey type. But a, "Hi how's it going?" would have been nice. Of course not though... Maybe he came to his senses. Whatever don't sulk Sakura... I have bigger things to deal with, I made the decision to take on the director position at the hospital. Not because I was afraid, I'd recovered mostly, I was slightly anxious around men but that was slowly dwindling.. Hopefully with some therapy with my shishou, it would disappear completely.

Knocking on the door of the Hokage's office was nerve wracking. When I was allowed entrance he smiled and stood to hug me. As his arms wrapped around me I stiffened. "Sakura-chan, I'm not going to hurt you. Ever. And I won't let anything happen to you but I do need to discuss a few things with you." He pulled away and sat us down on the couch. "First, congratulations on the director position. I'd hoped that'd be the one you'd choose. Second, you understand that in times of war you'll be required on the battlefield still?" I nodded. "Good, now onto the last order of business. The wood release training. You'll begin tomorrow, I've given Itachi, Shisui, Naruto and Sasuke a month long leave to help in your training with Tenzo. They insisted that they all should and not just Itachi. Hehe I think your best friends were afraid of him monopolizing all your time." I blushed at the notion. "I-I don't think it's anything to worry about. To be honest I'm not totally sure where Itachi and I are.. It's complicated. Maybe he doesn't share the same affection for me. But what am I doing talking to you about girl problems. You have far more important things to worry about." I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Sakura-chan you're like the daughter I never had. You are important. You can always talk to me. You better get going though, Naruto said you were meeting him at Ichiraku." He stood and basically shoved me out the door. "But I don't remem--" the door was shut on my face.

Walking toward Ichiraku confused me. Why didn't Naruto tell me we were meeting? On my journey I spotted the short-wavey dark locks that belonged to one of my favorite Uchihas. "Shisui-kun!" I yelled, he stopped and turned with a nervous chuckle as he hid something behind his back quickly. "Oh, hey Sakura-chan, where are you off to?" Eyeing him suspiciously I answered, "I'm going to Ichiraku's. Apparently I'm meeting Naruto there.. What's wrong with you?" He laughed, "nothing. What's wrong with you, shorty?" He took a gab at my height, my blood began to boil and I was about to spout something back but he vanished.

What a weirdo, I thought as I stepped under the fabric squares and into the shop. "Oh, sakura-san there you are!" Called the waitress. "Hey, how are you guys today? Is Naruto late or something?" She giggled, "No he isn't late he ordered your favorite, paid and left. Here it is." She set it down in front of me and I stared at it confused. "Oh! Almost forgot, here!" She pulled a small peice of paper out of her pocket. The kenji was neat so I instantly knew it was Sasuke's handwriting and not my orange-clad best friend.

The Dobe's handwriting is terrible. So here is the first clue. There's a park here in town, the same color as your crown. Your name sake in full bloom. Be there a little passed 5:30. No later, from the goob.

I blinked, what the hell is going on!? Placing the paper on the tabled I began to eat and contemplate the message. Couldn't they have come up with a harder riddle. It's so obvious that its the "Sakura park". There were lines upon lines of Sakura trees and benches. We used to go there as kids, that must mean I had to go to our special tree. When I finished my bowl I looked up at the clock, '5:30' on the dot. Well, better get going I sighed, "Arigato guys. I'm sure Naruto didn't leave a tip so here." I laid my money down and made my way out and toward the park.

When I reached our special tree I inspected it carefully. There didn't seem to be anything taped to it. Nothing super obvious, why was I even following the instructions set by those goofs? There was a sudden fluctuation of chakra toward the top of the tree. With a chakra infused leap I landed gracefully on top of the tallest branch and smiled. Tacked to the tree by a kunai was a letter. It hung just above kenji from when I was twelve. 'team 7 N.U., S.U., S.H.' lightly I touched the carving, that feels like so long ago now. Returning my attention to the note, I plucked it from the kunai.

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