Chapter Nine

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Sakura's P.O.V

"Sakura-chan, did you hear me?" I shook myself, "What did you just say Shizune-nii?" She giggled nervously, "I said congratulations. Here." Almost mechanically, I accepted the device and stared down at the little plus sign.  "How... I was on the pill.. I never missed a day.." She sat next to me, "All kunoichi start contraceptives at twelve but they do fail on occasion.. This just so happens to be one of those situations. Are you going to tell him?" My brain still wasn't processing the situation, this was all way to much. "I suppose I have to don't I? How far along do you think?" She smiled, "A little over a month." Yeah, that sounds about right.. Standing up, I offered her my thanks and left the room. This was supposed to be a routine check up, not this.. Pregnant... This was sure to ruin Itachi's twenty-second birthday tomorrow... We're both still young, does he even want to be a father? We've never even talked about the potential of children. All these things went through my now troubled mind. Why though, if I was so worried, was I happy at the same time?

I made my way out of the hospital and toward the Hokage's tower, smiling at the postive test in my hand. While I was preoccupied, I smacked right into someone, dropped the test and landed on my backside. "Gomen'nasai! I wasn't paying attention." I bowed to the person in front of me after picking up the stick. "Sakura-chan, what the hell is that?" I looked straight up to see Shisui Uchiha looking at my right hand. My face turned red as I hid it behind my back, "I..uh, I'm not sure what--." He yanked my arm from behind me and snatched it from my hand. His eyes widened, "Sakura-chan... This is.." He handed it back to me, "You can't be, aren't all kunoichi put on the pill?" I nodded in embarrassment. "Contraceptives don't always work Shisui-kun.." He looked shocked, not a usual look for an Uchiha, it was kind of cute. He sighed, "Well you plan on telling him right?" Eyeing him in annoyance he took a step back, "You're the second person to ask that. Of course I am.. I just.. Don't know when." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Well I look forward to being an uncle! Congratulations Sakura-chan!"

I placed the test in my medical pouch and we continued the journey toward the tower together, "You're going to present your project to the 'Council of Clans' right?" I nodded, "Yes, and I guess to request medical leave from potential missions as well." He smiled as we journeyed up the stairs leading to the office. When we were outside the door he gave me a hug for luck. "Shisui-kun, please don't say anything to anyone... Especially, Itachi-kun.. I want to be the one do to it." He nodded and must have picked up on my nervousness because he squeezed me once more. "Don't worry Sakura-chan, everything will be okay. Itachi is going to be thrilled, I'm sure." I smiled and entered the room filled with the head clansmen of the great shinobi families. I recognized, all of the men present as they were all the father's of my childhood friends. My stomach tightened as my eyes finally landed on Fagaku.. Instinctively, I clutched my midsection, I'm going to bring shame to Itachi and his family... I wanted to cry but I forced my eyes to remain dry. "Sakura-chan, would you please begin?" My attention was taken from my inner turmoil and to the Hokage. "I.. Yes.. Of course Minato-sama."

The men present were all kind. As they'd known me pretty much my entire life. They prompted me to speak after I'd given each of them a copy of my proposal. "As you can see, I'd like to open a Pediatric Wing to Konoha's hospital. A place in which children specifically are cared for. As of right now they are taken care of by general physicians. But children aren't like adults, they need different treatment entirely. Their bodies are in development until sixteen for girls and twenty-one for boys. I and only two others are trained to treat children. Those other's being Tsunade-sama and Shizune. What I'm asking for today is your help in funding this wing for children. It would cater to those zero to eleven years of age and the training required for the five medics I've choosen as best for this position will need funding as well. Puberty begins at tweleve so at that point they would transfer to general practitioners. I will personally see to it that the medics selected are flawless in the treatment of these children.. Along with that, I and Tenzo will see to and assist with the construction. The future of our village rests on the shoulders of it's youth. They deserve this." They murmured amongst themselves before Fagaku spoke, "Is this something you would choose for your future children?" My stomach tightened again and I grabbed it protectivly. This didn't go unnoticed by any of them. Shit, that probably looked suspicious. I played it off,"Any future children I have... I would leave in the care of the individuals listed with ease. They are talented medics." He smiled, "You have the Uchiha's support. We'll assist in the funding." Hiashi Hyuga spoke next, "The Hyuga vote to help as well." Next to agree were the original 'Ino-Shika-Cho' leaders of the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi, "Our three clans agree to assist." My eyes widened as the last two agreed, the leaders of the Inuzuka and Aburame, "We're in as well." I bowed graciously to the men and thanked them. After some numbers were tossed around I was awarded my funding. They stood and bowed and began to file out, patting my back in congratulations on my success.

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