Chapter Ten

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Sakura's P.O.V

Sitting on my couch with Sasuke and Naruto was nice. As my pregnancy had progressed they'd become more and more protective. It could get a little overwhelming at times, actually down right annoying. Now though, the help was appreciated. It was just me in this apartment and some tasks were difficult with my belly. Surprising I didn't get super huge, even at eight months, in the mid-winter of February, looking at me you'd think I was only having one and not a set of twins. That only meant they were going to be small, it worried me but my shishou assured me they were in good health, given everything we went through.

We were going to be going out to lunch but there was one problem..."Damn it I can't get these fucking shoes on! You two better be cute because this swollen feet thing is getting old." Sasuke sighed and bent down to help me, "Just relax Sakura, getting yourself all worked up isn't going to help." With a zip my shoes were on. Crossing my arms over my belly I huffed, "Easy for you to say, you're still good looking." He chuckled and helped me to stand. "You're still beautiful Sakura-chan! Right teme?" Sasuke blushed slightly and nodded. It was still evident he had some feelings but he was respectful and accepted I was Itachi's and that I'd wait for him. "Come on Ichiraku's is waiting! Dattebayo!" Yelled the blonde walking out the door before us. After walking outside, Sasuke helped me down the stairs by holding my waist and elbow. A lot of people had begun to speculate that I was in fact carrying his offspring because I spent much of my time with him. We ignored the whispers though, if we got mad everytime someone basically called me a whore, I'd never be happy.

When we arrived at the ramen stand we ordered and I pigged out. The worst thing about pregnancy was how much I consumed. Granted I was eating for three people, but it still caused me great frustration. There was a sudden familiarity in the air, as if something I've experienced already was about to happen and my stomach began to ache. Then it happened, the all too recognizable trickle down my legs. "Shit." My sudden curse captured the attention of my best friends. "What is it Sakura?" Sasuke asked cocking his head to one side. A sudden surge of pain caused me to cry out as I held my belly. "Ahhhhh! Sasuke-kun, Naruto my water just broke.." They looked at each other wide eyed, "What! Its time? Right now?!" yelled a frantic Naruto. "Sasuke-kun, take me to the hospital, Naruto, go get my parents and Sasuke's as well." They both nodded and Sasuke pulled me into his arms and ran toward the hospital.

"Sakura, when did your water break?" Asked Tsunade as she dressed me in a medical gown. "About ten minutes ago." She nodded and yelled out the door, "Yamanaka! Hyuga! Get in here!" My two closest female friends entered the room in a rush. "Sakura?! Its time already?!" Ino asked as she helped me onto the bed. "That's what we're about to find out. Hinata you help with delivery. Ino I need you to run things while Sakura and I are both unavailable." Ino looked hurt, "But Tsunade-sama--" she held her hand up, cutting the blonde off, "Ino you're to easily excitable and besides you're her second in command you have to. It'll be okay, have faith in her. The younger blonde nodded and walked outside, we heard her gasp, "Shikamaru, Sai, Neji, Choji, Shino, Tenten, Lee, Kiba? What are you all doing here?" The lazy genius spoke on behalf of the group, "Well Naruto ran into that boyfriend of your's and Shisui told us. He went to see if he could spot Itachi near the village. Sakura's letter was sent three days ago. He could be here any minute." I couldn't see it but I knew she'd be blushing, she and Shisui had somehow evolved from sexual partners to an actual couple. It was kind of amazing actually, we all thought she had a crush on our new friend Sai, even Shisui but it turns out we were just reading signs wrong. She confessed to Shisui about two months ago and he was crazy enough to reciprocate. What would Itachi think of that I wonder?

There was no time to think any further as another jolt of pain caused me to cry out. Hinata wipped the sweat from my brow as my shishou examined my most intimate place.. If I wasn't a medical professional I would have been embarrassed. Suddenly the door swung open, "Sakura-chan I got them like you asked!" When I looked up I noticed my friend's red face and mine did the same as I followed his eyes. "Naruto get the fuck out of here!" I yelled and he was pulled from the room by a bashful and unlooking Sasuke. "Well, good news, your mucous membrane is still intact and you're only at four and a half centimeters dilated. Itachi has time, I'd say about two hours. You up to visitors?" I nodded she lowered the blanket, covering my womanhood and opened the door. "Your fan club appears to have doubled Sakura. You guys can go in." They all rushed in and she was correct the group had grown larger as my parents, Sasuke's, Gai, Asuma, Kuranai, Kakashi and Genma had arrived.

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