chapter three

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Sakura's P.O.V

Days passed and I did my best to avoid Itachi. I was completely embarrassed by my behavior and I still couldn't comprehend how to feel about his toward me. Was he really only trying to prove a point.. But then he said he'd be taking me out sometime. What the hell?! I don't understand anything anymore. Before a few weeks ago, he was just my teammate/ best friend's aniki and now he's this cloud of confusion hanging over me.

Oh well, no use in worrying about it now. I had bigger issues at hand. I'd just been asked to take over Tsunade's position as director of the hospital. Plus I had the Hokage's offer of a position in the ANBU. Director has always been my dream. Following in my shishou's footstep was important to me. However, a position as an ANBU medic could open windows as well. God I'm screwed, here I was standing outside the office of the Yondaime and still had no answer for him. Sighing, I knocked, here goes nothing.

When I entered I bowed and he smiled, "Sakura-chan, have you decided which path you'd like to take?" I couldn't lie, even though I wanted to, one because I sucked at it, two because he'd see right through me and three I loved this man like an uncle, since Naruto and I grew up together. So I opted for honesty and frowned. "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama... I just don't know what to choose. Being in the hospital and caring for people is something I love. But I love the rush of missions as well. I've never experienced an ANBU mission however. So I really can't compare it to my love for my patients." He tapped his chin as if he were thinking. "Itachi, has informed me that your father would prefer you on the team with he and Shisui. Why not accompany them on a mission and see how you feel? If you don't feel comfortable then you don't have to continue on in the ANBU. How's that sound?" I considered his words for a moment before agreeing. He stood and approached me, with a pat on my head, he sent me off with a few words. "I'll summon the three of you tonight and brief you on the mission. Bye for now Sakura-chan."

The journey toward the hospital was way too much time for me to think of everything to come. What, if I fall in love with the ANBU, would that mean walking away from the many people who needed me? On the other hand what if my medical skills truly are needed in the organization? That would mean looking on as body bags with ANBU operatives, rolled out of the emergency room and into the morgue. What's worse is the idea of leaving Itachi for dead. My mind stopped me at that moment, why was he my first thought? Shaking myself I walked into the hospital and clocked in.

The short trip to my office was filled with friendly greetings from colleagues and nurses. Everyone here was so kind, so much love goes into being a medic and I feel as though some people forget that. After entering I pulled on my lab coat and grabbed my stack of patient files off of my desk and went on my rounds. No point in worrying over things now, to many people were counting on me.

My shift was coming to an end and I had only one stop before I needed to make my way back to the Hokage's office. As I looked down at the last file in my hand a smile crept onto my face. Yukina Mitokado, a girl of seven, and granddaughter of the council member Homura Mitokado. She was admitted a year ago when she fell ill. She is suffering from congestive heart failure and if it wasn't for the machines hooked up to her, she would have passed a long time ago. With a knock on the door I entered to see her beaming at me. "Sakura-chan! You're here, you're here!" She leaned over to her nightstand and grabbed a book. "How are you feeling today Yukina-chan?" I asked as I looked over her chart. "I'm feeling just fine. I've been looking forward to seeing you. You told me you'd read more for me today." Sitting next to her I tapped my chin, "hm, I did say that didn't I? But have you been a good girl?"
Putting one end of my stethoscope in my ears, I put the other to her chest and listened. Her heartbeat was irregular but she didn't appear to be having a bad day. "Yes ma'am! I took my medicine and felt so well I got to see the garden on the roof!" She said with a toothy grin. Pulling the device away from her chest and out of my ears, I let it hang around my neck.

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