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Dear Luke,

                     I wish you could reply to these letters because you're the only person I talk to. Technically it's just through letters but it means something to me. I know you won't get them for months but I really wish you were reading them now, because now is when I’m sad and now is when I'm alone. I don't know where I'll be in the next few months. I could be in a different town, I could be happy (Not likely), I could be somewhere which is my last resort. 

My father found out about the money and I-pod and he's grounded me for two months, it doesn't really matter though because I don't go anywhere. He's making me earn the money back by getting a job, but the only one I can get is a paper round because I'm only fifteen. It sucks! Everyone makes fun of me when I have to walk past them in the streets after school. But I guess it's my fault for letting them steal my bag, I shouldn't have been such a wimp.

I heard you've gone back to Australia now, for that leg of the tour. It must be great to be back where I guess you belong. I've never belonged anywhere. I've always wanted to go to Australia though, it looks and sounds amazing. I live in England and it always rains, at least we don't have any poisons insects. My step brother, well he's not really my step brother because our parents never married be anyway, he lives in Australia, he makes it sound really interesting that’s why I really want to move there, and to get away from my father. 

He hit me the other day, it hurt at first but its better now. He hit me in the stomach and I've still got a bruise but it is healing. You're probably thinking I should tell social services or something, but there’s no point because they won't believe me. My father is actually highly respected in my town, so there’s nothing I can do but lock myself away in my room.

Have fun on the tour Luke, I'll send more letters soon.



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