Opened Envelopes

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Luke's POV

The tour was finally over and I was finally in my own bedroom. It felt like a century since I had been in it. I walked over to my desk to found a huge pile of letters all addressed to me. "Fan mail..." I sighed. I sat down at my desk, I had to read them it would be rude not to, they spend so much time writing them and sending them.

Dear Luke...

I put the last letter down; brushing away a few stray tears, I instantly picked up my phone and called Ashton. "Ashton?" I croaked out.

"Yeah Luke, hey man what's up?" He asked sounding confused.

"Can you come round?"

"Of course I'll be right there!" He answered hanging up the phone. I sat on my bed waiting for Ashton and watching the TV. Suddenly he burst into my room, gasping for breath. "I came as fast as I could, what's wrong?" He asked breathlessly, he sat down next to me and slung his arm around my shoulder. I handed him all of the letters not saying a word, "What are these?"

"Letters from a fan, they were sent months ago... Ashton, I think she's dead!" I sobbed. "She loved me so much and I couldn't even reply! Her life was so crap and she wrote like I was one of the only good things in it!"

"Luke-" Ashton went to say something but I cut him off, telling him to be quiet as the news report on TV caught my attention.

"Today the body of a fifteen-year-old girl was found, dead, in her bedroom. The girl, know to be called Allison Greene, has been reported to have committed suicide in the late hours of last night. Her father was not home when she allegedly killed herself and he found her only hours ago.

She was found with a note saying 'Don't try to save me, I wanted to die. Those who I love know that I do love them and I hope they will always understand why I have done this. Father don't make this a publicised thing. Don't say you loved me and wished this had never happened because you are one of the causes for this. Stop pretending you are a good, stable man and sort your life out. This decision was made with other people thoughts at heart because many people have told me to kill myself.

Goodbye forever, Allison Greene.' Her father has been taken to the police station for questioning and investigators are being sent to the school, more on this later goodbye for now"

I gulped, "Ashton!" I croaked out, again, "She's dead! She really is dead! This is my entire fault!" I shouted.

"No Luke, no it isn't! She wrote to you for comfort she knew you couldn't reply then, if anything you kept her going for this long!"

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