Chapter Twelve

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My eyes droop as I stare at the television screen, looking at it, without really looking at it, if you know what I mean. It's some lame horror movie, complete with blood spewing from some internal organ of some screaming girl's body. You'd think they'd get more creative with these types of things, but I am left disappointed.

A couple impatient raps on the door make me jump.

Who the hell would be knocking to enter here?

Beck had informed me that almost no one shows up at this joint, with the exception of the people who live here, so who could be here?

I groan as I stand up from the couch, glancing out the window to see the vehicle that sits idly in the driveway.

I yank open the door, saying as I open it: "If you're here to deliver a pizza, it's the wrong house. Might wanna get moving before you have an angry customer on your hands."

I meet gazes with two girls, one standing further away from the door, looking sheepish. The other girl stands with her hip cocked, eyes boring into my own. Eyeliner is drawn thick around her eyes, and her hair falls messily in her face in only a way a truly hot person can pull off. And may I say, she is quite the looker. Not just hot, gorgeous.

"Sorry, I forgot it in the car," she says sarcastically, blinking once at me, and I fight the urge to squirm as her eyes rake my body before meeting my eyes again. She's got confidence, and it's damn sexy.

"What can I do for you two ladies, then?" I ask, leaning against the threshold of the door, letting my eyes wander down the curve of the girl's body. Two can play at this game.

"Isabel, maybe this is the wrong house." the dirty-blonde haired girl says hesitantly from behind her, her worried eyes flashing to me momentarily before returning to the other--Isabel.

"Nah, I think he knows something." Isabel shakes her head. "The guy's practically breathing suspicion."

I am suddenly weary, debating on slamming the door in both of their pretty faces. What could they know? What a time for Ringo to be gone.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but I'm not the guy to interrogate." I shrug my shoulders. "I can take a message for the guy you're probably looking for, though." I make a little beep noise like an answering machine, smirking at Isabel's completely irritated expression.

"We're looking for Sam Roth." Isabel says. "Who, unfortunately, you are not."

Ah, so they are looking for Ringo. What mess could dopey-face have gotten into with these two?

"Like I said, he's not home. Why don't you get lost? Or maybe you could come in for a little while. It's a little lonely in this big house all by my lonesome."

"Yeah, not even in your dreams, jackass." Isabel scoffs, rolling her eyes, her head tilting back as she does so. For some reason, it gives me a weird feeling in my chest, and makes me hope she actually sticks around for a little while longer.

"That's a shame," I cluck my tongue. "I've been told I'm a pretty good host."

"Come on, Isabel," the girl hisses. "He obviously isn't going to give us the answers we need."

"Seriously, what do you want? Who are you?" I ask, crossing my arms firmly across my chest.

Isabel tries to peer past me, into the house. "Well the least you could do is invite us inside. It's colder than your heart out here." her mouth twitches in an almost smile, and my stomach does a flip flop.

Even though it's probably a really, really bad idea, I step aside, and gesture my hand out for them to walk in. "After you." I say, smirking at her.

Isabel and her friend walk in, and I shut the door behind them.

Both their eyes wander around the house, curious.

"I'm Isabel, and this is Grace." Isabel begins, her heels clicking against the wooden floor as she paces in a small circle. "And we witnessed Sam Roth tear the interior to my new car to pieces, and run his four-legged ass into the woods. And we need answers."

My eyebrows shoot up. This can't be good.

"Uh, that sounds like you've had too much to drink." I scoff, turning my back to her.

"Bullshit. I know what I saw."

"It did happen." Grace pipes up, determination sparking in her eyes when I turn to look at them.

"So you're telling me," I begin, keeping my voice taunting and disbelieving. "That you two had Sam in your car, and he miraculously turned into some four legged creature?"

Isabel looks at Grace, exasperated. "Grace, you might want to signal the closest insane asylum, and have them lock us up."

"Sounds like a good idea." I agree.

The doorknob behind us suddenly wiggles, and all of us turn to face it.

And in walks Ringo.

And things go to hell.


A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus! I'll try to update at least once a week from now on. Thanks for the reads, comments and votes! You guys rock :)

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