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Prologue - Montana Summer

"He's rode out in the rain." My father, a rancher, told all of our ranch hands. "We need to find him. He could get sick! Especially with it only 50 degrees tonight." My father pointed who got which horse. When he turned away, I took my chance and ran for my horse in the pasture.

"Tommo," I whistled. My black and white stallion rode up to the fence. "Come on boy!" I hopped over the fence and put Tommo's bridal on him. "No saddle tonight. We need to hurry. Louis has run off." Tommo snorted back in response. I took a running start and jumped onto his back. "Ya," I yelled and kicked his sides. He galloped forward and jumped the pasture fence. My father was yelling for me to get back to the house. Obviously I ignored him.

There was a small trail that I had discovered earlier in the summer. Louis and I were the only ones who knew about it. Tommo knew where I wanted to check, and galloped his way over there. "Good boy!" Tommo neighed happily. "Louis," I shouted into the night, as lightning lit up the sky. My hands fumbled as they tried to grab the flashlight from my coat pocket. "Louis!" The rain fell heavier and heavier, making it hard for me to see. I turned the slash light on and kept riding.

"Louis! I know you rode down this trail," I yelled into the night sky. Thunder boomed constantly, lightning flashing every second.

"Harley! It's no use! This storms getting worse!" Jack, one of the ranch hands, rode up to me. He practically had to yell. "We can come back in the morning!"

"No! I have to keep searching!" Tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't lose this boy. I couldn't lose the boy who came into my life suddenly. He wasn't going to leave like he came. "What if this was you?! Would you want us to give up on you for the night?!" Jack sighed but no words could form in his mouth. "I'm not going to lose him Jack! He could be dead by morning!" Rain fell harder as my voice rose with anger. "I'm not leaving him out here all by himself!" With that, Tommo took off down the trail, leaving Jack to holler after me. I sobbed as I cried of Louis. "Louis! Come on please!" I sat there crying, feeling the rain hit my face.

I heard what sounded like a moan. My mind snapped back to reality. Quickly, I pointed the flashlight to my left. "Louis?!" I hopped off Tommo's back and ran over till I was off the trail. "Louis," I yelled over the rumbling thunder. "Come on Louis! I've almost lost you once. Please I don't want to lose you!" Silence came, rain still falling, and thunder still boomed. "Please," I sobbed falling to my knees. Tommo walked over to me and grabbed the flashlight out of my hands. "Give it back Tommo!" I got up but he had the flashlight in his mouth, shining it straight ahead of us.

Someone laid their, motionless. "Louis," I yelled. My feet splashed water everywhere. Louis was laying there. "Louis!" My arms wrapped around him. "Tommo!" My horse was already at my side kneeling down. "Louis hold on okay? I'm going to get us home. Hang in there okay." Louis moaned as I dragged him over to Tommo. "Louis look at me!" His eyes fluttered open but they closed again. "Dammit Louis I mean it!" My hands cupped his face, and rain fell harder then I've ever felt it before. "Louis you can't leave me!" I sobbed uncontrollably. "Don't leave me Louis!" I tried the best I could to shield him from the rain. "Louis I love you." My lips found their way to Louis's cold lips. Tommo nudged me, and bobbed his head to my left. I had to squint my eyes, but I saw it. A cave! It was only about a yard away.

"Harley," Louis mumbled. I wrapped one of Louis's arms around me, and we walked to the cave.

"Tommo come on! Get in here." Carefully, I laid Louis down, and grabbed my flashlight from my horses mouth. I shone it around the cave walls to see drawings. It hit me. This is where I used to come whenever I had to get something off my mind. There were still pillows and blankets in a corner. Quickly, I grabbed some, carrying them over to Louis. "Here. It's to keep you comfortable and warm." I placed the pillow under his head, and covered him up with a blanket. Tommo found some fresh hay that I always kept here for him. I cuddled up next to Louis. "Don't leave me," I whispered tiredly. My eye lids shut, and I started falling asleep.

"I'll fight it for you, love," Louis whispered back. I smiled. "Because I love you." He did love me! He did love me back! After this whole summer, Louis finally admitted it. Louis Tomlinson finally admitted to loving me.

Wild Heart // l.t. [Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now