Chapter 8 - That Little Dirt Path

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Chapter 8

          I walked out of the bathroom, a towel around my head and clothes on my body. Stephanie would be next to get her shower, making Louis last. That also meant Stephanie and I would have alone time. Something I haven't wanted ever since the One Direction concert. Beggers cannot be chosers, right? Shrugging my shoulders, my eyes flicked up to see something I wished would not happen.




          My bottom lip started to quiver, as my feet carried me out of my room. By the time I was already out the door, my mom was on my tail. "Harley, what's wrong?" I couldn't bare to answer. Instead I sobbed out loud, running to Tommo. The barn lights were off, but I knew my way around it too well. "Harley. What happened?!"

          "Why don't you go ask the happy couple who are making out in my room!" I turned around and yelled into my moms face. "I don't even know why I took your stupid advice! All it did was hurt me!" My mom looked down at the ground, and reached a hand out to me. I shoved it away. "Leave me alone." She nodded sadly, running back home. My gaze flicked back at my horse, who was watching me with his big curious blue eyes. "Tommo," I whispered. "Can you take me to the cave?" He bobbed his head. A sad smile reached my lips as I unlatched his stall door. Tommo and I took a running start, and I hopped on just as soon as we were out of the barn.

          All I had to do was sit on Tommo's back, and hold lightly onto some of his mane. Trees passed by quickly. It was already dark out when we reached the cave. I hopped off, and walked into it. "Tommo, you can come in boy." I grabbed a pillow and blanket that I kept in here, and laid down. "Louis looked happy. When Stephanie was kissing him." Tears came to my eyes, slowly falling. "I know Louis and I aren't together. But it hurt me to see them kissing. I mean he kissed me too! How am I supossed to feel Tommo?" Tommo looked at me with his big blue eyes. He walked carefully over to me, head low. I reached out a hand and scratched his muzzle. I smiled, looking at my horse. At least he was happy. "Keep an eye on me okay?" He snorted in response. "Thanks boy. Love you." He nudged my shoulder, making my smile.

***Louis' POV***

I tried pushing this girl off of me, but it was no use. She already had me against the wall, hands going somewhere where they weren't meant for her. I tried again, but that only made her hands reach their destination faster. A women cleared her throat, making Stephanie jump. "What in God's name do you think you're doing?" Harley's mom looked at both of us like we were some kind of animal. "Stephanie, I think it's best you leave."

          "He came onto me first," she lied.

      "I find that hard to believe." They shared a long tensed silence. "Get out."

          "Fine," she said walking over to her. "He doesn't love your daughter anyway. He told me so." She turned around and blew a kiss in my direction before leaving.

          "Is that true Louis?" She walked over to Harley's bed, taking a seat and patting next to her.

          "No! I would never hurt Harley!" Somehow, I felt like I have. "Is she still in the shower?"

          "No, Louis. She saw you and Stephanie kissing and ran off." My heart sank. I had hurt her. I stood up, running my hands through my hair. Where was she? "Louis," her mom started. "You have to find her."

          "She'd just yell at me. Harley's too mad at me. It's better for you to save her. You actually mean something to her." I sat on my bed, my head in my hands. Harley hated me. I was sure of it. I should have pushed Stephanie harder. Maybe she wouldn't have kissed me. Maybe Harley wouldn't have run off. . .

          "What makes you think that you don't mean something to her," her mom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I raised my head to see her mom with her arms crossed, looking at me. All I could do was shrug my shoulders. "Louis, she likes you." Her mom got up and walked over to me. "And I can tell by the way you look at her, that you like her too." We stared at each other, waiting for someone to speak. "Go find her," she whispered. "There's a cave not to far from here. It's on a dirt path next to the barn. You can't miss it." I nodded, getting up off the bed. "Grab a jacket. It's cold."

          "Right." I searched my dressers for my jean jacket. "Come on, where are you?" I heard Harley's mom laugh. "What," I asked, turning around. "Oh." She held my jacket out for me. I took it, thanking her. Even thought I was last to get a shower, I already had my pj's on.

           As I made my way down the stairs, Harley's dad was walking up them. "Whoa, what's the rush?" I couldn't tell him. He would kill me.

          "Uh, I got a phone call from Harry earlier, and I'm going to call him back," I lied. He raised his eye brow, looking me up and down. Slowly, he started nodding. "Goodnight, sir?"

          "Yeah. Goodnight." I finished down the stairs, running to the back door. The barn wasn't that far away, but I still ran. Once I was inside, I flipped the switch turning all the lights on. I noticed that all the horses were here, but one. Tommo. Lance was the first horse on my right. I quickly made my way over to Lance's stall. Only one thing came to mind. I was going to have to ride bareback. There wasn't enough time to saddle Lance up.

          "Lance, can I ride you bareback?" Lance snorted. "I take that as a yes." I clipped the lead line on him, walking him out of his stall. "Okay, how do I mount you bareback?"

          "Take a running start," a voice said behind me. I turned to face the voice to see it was Jack. "Or if you got good legs, you can jump on right now." I studied him, waiting for him to burst out into laughter. "Fine." He walked over to me. "I'll help you." Jack took the lead line, holding it for me. "Go on." I hesitated. What if I failed at both? They would be cracking jokes about me for the rest of the summer. "Well?" Sighing, I jumped on Lances back, pulling my leg over. "Wasn't so bad was it British Boy?"

          "Shut up," I snapped, taking the lead out of his hands. My feet kicked Lances sides and we took off. I turned right, to see that little dirt path beside the barn, just like Harley's mum said. Smiling, I kicked Lances' sides. "Come on Lance! Faster!" I kicked his sides again, holding on tighter to the lead line. Galloping bareback was not my thing. But I had to. I had to save this girl. The girl who already meant so much to me.


Sorry about the sucky chapter guys! I promise the next one will be better! And longer!

So what do you think about this chapter??? What do you think about Stephanie now? Comment! Oh, and vote!

~ DependsOnForever <333>

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