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[ 3RD JANUARY 2016 ]

The wind blew through the forest, creating a relaxing breeze that ran through the male's hair.


The said male turned his head towards the voice and saw a person that instantly put a smile on his face.

"Hi Hoseok." The male spoke towards the man, a small smile appearing on his face. Hoseok and Taehyung were close as they often ranted together due to having similar problems.

The problem being... they were both mateless.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked as he watched Taehyung's eyes slowly drift up the sun above him as he lay in the middle of a grassy clearing in the forest.

Taehyung pouted in thought and then shook his head, "Just relaxing, I guess."

He sighed letting it flow with the wind that flew through the forest, as he thought of how long it had been.

"3 years... That's right Hoseok?" The male turned towards Hoseok with a sorrow smile on his face, "3 years knowing that I'm going to live without a mate."

Hoseok frowned. Yes, he felt heartbroken when he couldn't feel his mate but he has hope that they are just destined not to meet yet, where as Taehyung... He crumbled on the night of his 18th birthday. He'd still smile and look so happy but inside Hoseok knew that he was a mess.

"You want some company?" Hoseok spoke out in worry.

Taehyung looked up at Hoseok's worried face and smiled, shaking his head, "Nah, I'm okay."

Hoseok nodded and turned to leave but turned back around as soon as he heard Taehyung call his name.

"Hoseok... Thank you." Taehyung grinned, letting his signature rectangular smile make its way onto his face.

"Thank you too, Taehyungie."


Taehyung opened his eyes and saw the orange and pink sky above him. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up.

He got up and dusted himself off from the grassy surface and sighed as he knew he'd go back to his pack only to sleep and then repeat the day as usual.

With no mate by his side.

He felt tears prick at his eyes as this was usually the time he began to feel sensitive about his problems, yet he scoffed and pushed them back.

"Come on Taehyung... you're the future leader of the pack." He sighed to himself.

Honestly, he was scared of the future. He knew that one day his father would grant him to lead position of the pack and he knew he wasn't prepared - physically and emotionally.

He began to walk away from the clearing towards his pack, listening to the forest nightlife dance around his ears.

Suddenly, his body halted and his ears twitched as he heard a sound from the distance.


He turned around and watched as a boy tumbled down the small hill, slowly standing up and dusting off the dirt that he had gathered from the fall.

"H- He's beautiful..." Taehyung thought to himself and took a step forward but halted yet again as they made eye-contact.

The boys glowing blue eyes glistened into Taehyung's now red eyes.

Taehyung watched as the boy stumbled back and his bottom hit the ground, causing the boy to make the same "Oof" sound as before.

Taehyung slowly got closer and closer to the cowering boy until he towered over the top of him. Taehyung knelt down and put his cold fingers onto the boy's trembling chin.

"I'm sorry but I... I don't yo-"


"W- What?"

"Mate." Taehyung growled again as crimson fires swirled around his eyes.

"W- What's a mate?"

But before the boy's question could be answered, a cold pair of plump lips made their way onto his.




i don't know what i'm doing

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i don't know what i'm doing

deal with my uncreative brain for a couple chapters mkay

bye bye ♥

// sorry for any mistakes. //

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