twenty-eight ; the end.

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[ 25TH JUNE 2016 ] 

Jungkook winced, the silver digging into skin, his wounds getting deeper and deeper as the night began to approach once again. Why do these chains hurt so much?

He watched as the wizard continued to work. What the hell is he doing? He's been 'preparing' for hours. The wizard ignored his presence, as if he wasn't even there, keeping the candles lit and creating markings on the grass beneath him. 

He'd speak sometimes, but it wasn't at Jungkook, it was just some incoherent words and Jungkook didn't even want to think about what he was actually saying.

The alpha walked in and Jungkook became tense, staring at the black-haired man. "Are you nearly finished, wizard?"

"Yes, just one more spell and it is done." The wizard replied, not looking at the alpha as he continued to prepare.

"And the potion...?" The alpha exclaimed, causing the wizard to stop and pull a bottle out of his bag that was strapped around his shoulder. It contained a thick, black liquid and Jungkook felt nauseous just at the sight of it.

The alpha grinned, grabbing the potion from the wizard, "And you're certain it shall work?" The alpha questioned him.

"Of course, my alpha."

"Then continue, I'll be back just before the blood moon rises."

He looked up at the omega, smiling and turning to leave.


Taehyung clutched his head, the pain becoming unbearable,  shaking his head, as his vision blurred. Come on Taehyung, you're an alpha. You can do better than this...

He stumbled as he walked, his vision fading from blurry to clear, unable to think straight. I've lost everything. I'm not losing you...

He watched as he saw the crimson moon rose over the trees in the forest, the red rays casting down on what was once a beautiful haven filled with laughter and life. What was once his home.

He sniffed, running his hand over his eyes to stop the tears from falling down his face. He continued to move towards where he believed Jungkook was before seeing it. Seeing him.

Blood was trickling down his arms as silver cut deep wounds into his wrists and ankles. He was chained in a chair and he was crying. He felt anger and a mixture of his own pain and Jungkook's pain.

He stopped thinking about anything else and just ran towards Jungkook, shaking his body. 

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" He shouted, causing the younger's eyes to shoot open, his eyes glowing a beautiful blue.

"T- Taehyung?! What happened to you- the bruises..." He said, shocked at how many bruises covered Taehyung's skin. He tried to get closer to Taehyung but winced as the silver restraints cut against his skin.

"Be careful. Silver is like a werewolves kryptonite." Taehyung said, causing Jungkook to chuckle.

"You really just made a Superman reference at a time like this?" Jungkook uttered and smiled at Taehyung, his blue eyes glistening in his mate's red ones.

Taehyung smiled back for a moment. His expression suddenly turned serious. "We have to get out of here," 

He began to look around for something to break the chains on Jungkook but he couldn't find anything. He shook his head, knowing what he had to do. He knew it'd hurt, but he knew he could break those chains with his hands. He grabbed onto them, his hands seemingly burning where he touched the chains. 

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