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[ 22ND JANUARY 2016 ]

Jungkook woke up from his nightmare, sweat pouring from his forehead as the scene played through his head rapidly, causing more fear to rise inside him.

The words still echoed in his head and intoxicated his senses with worry and fear.

"I've found you, little omega." 

Thought Jungkook doesn't even know the meaning of those words, he felt vulnerable and felt the need of safety in the situation he had ended up in.

"T- Taehyung."

As the words escaped his mouth, he jumped out from the bed he was in and rushed out of the door, letting his feet pitter-patter along the path towards Taehyung's room.

Once he reached it, he felt the need to knock, yet he also felt the need to just barge in. He stood in front of the door conflicted before he went to knock, feeling like he should keep his manners even at a time like this.

Suddenly the door opened and Taehyung appeared in front of Jungkook, his brown locks a mess from turning in his  sleep and his body only clothed with sweatpants.

Jungkook didn't think about the sight of Taehyung and ran towards his body, slamming himself against it causing Taehyung to almost fall back, yet he regained his balance and stared down at the now crying Jungkook.

"W- What happened?" Taehyung stuttered out, not used to how close his mate was to him. Jungkook didn't reply, he felt the need to stay silent and continue to hug the man who he'd only just met.

Taehyung realised that Jungkook wasn't ready to speak, so he allowed Jungkook to take his time. He slowly felt a need to wrap his arms around Jungkook, which is exactly what he did.

Jungkook relaxed as Taehyung seemed to comfort him, his small figure comfortably enclosed in Taehyung's arms. He went to speak but the words wouldn't come out, yet tears made their way onto Jungkook's pale cheeks.

"H- Hey, It's okay..." Taehyung began to whisper various phrases to help calm down Jungkook and after a while, Jungkook moved away from Taehyung's torso and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook sniffled at Taehyung as he went to sit on the older's bed. Taehyung turned around and sighed, walking towards the bed and sitting himself next to Jungkook.

"What happened, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked again, knowing Jungkook had calmed down. He looked at Jungkook, eager for an answer yet Jungkook just looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

"Jungkook it's okay you can-"

"I had a nightmare..." Jungkook blushed at his words, it seemed like a very childish thing to cry over. 

"I know it's childish but I just," Jungkook began, "It... It made me so scared," Jungkook finished with his tears returning, falling onto his hands that shivered violent in fear.

"Why? W- What happened in the nightmare?" Taehyung asked, concern laced into his words.

Jungkook wiped his tears and exhaled loudly. He then began to explain what happened; starting with walking down the stone hallway until he entered a room and how everything suddenly changed.

"I was tied up and when... When I looked up a man was there. He..."

Taehyung looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"He said something to me, that I still don't understand. But it scared me so much..." Jungkook began to shiver again and tears became noticeable in his dark yet beautiful eyes.

Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's hand, causing Jungkook to look up towards him with tear-filled eyes.

"It's okay, take your time..." Taehyung reassured Jungkook with his deep husky voice.

Jungkook's breath echoed through the air, the unsteadiness of it running through Taehyung's ears. What could have hurt him so bad?  Taehyung felt furious at the thought of his mate being this badly harmed by something... or someone.

"He said..." Jungkook began, hesitating to reply, filling Taehyung with tension as he waited on Jungkook's lips to move and speak the words that would give him the answer to why Jungkook was in this state, "He said... I've found you, little omega."

Taehyung's eyes widened and fury swept through his figure. 

Someone knows... Someone. Knows. 

It wasn't just fury that someone knew of his mate's true identity, or that they are the reason for him being in utmost danger. It's the fact that they have caused Jungkook to be in the state he is in.

"Tae- Taehyung you're hurting me..." Jungkook winced and Taehyung fell out of his trance and pulled his hand away from Jungkook, noticing a red mark forming around Jungkook's wrist.

"I- I'm so sorry..." Taehyung apologised. Jungkook nodded and mumbled a small, "It's okay," before leaving the room.

Taehyung smacked his hand down onto the bed, dust flying into the air as he smacked it yet again.

"How dare they..." Taehyung shouted and stood up, walking towards the window and staring at the scenery outside.

He watched the grass sway in the wind, so peacefully, as if nothing could ever break it from it's relaxed and graceful state.

Taehyung sighed and put his head in his hands. He looked up at the sky through his window, watching the clouds slowly travel above him.

"I won't let anyone hurt him. I will not let anyone hurt my mate."



i have a week off now so i'll hopefully try and get some prepared for future updates but im not sure if i'll be able to

once again im so sorry for not updating in a whilee

bye bye ♥

// sorry for any mistakes. //

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