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[ 7TH JANUARY 2016 ]

As days went by, Taehyung's condition worsened. At first he thought it was just because he felt bad but now he realised the situation.

"How could I forget..." He grumbled to himself as he lay sprawled on his bed.

Yes, he forgot about the mate bond.

He forgot about the horrible feeling of fire burning through your body when you left your precious mate's side.

The problem is, his mate doesn't even know what he is.

How was he supposed to get close to his mate when his mate probably thought he was some sort of pervert that was going to harm him?

Taehyung had no idea.

So, he continued to go about as if he was fine for a few days, thinking about an answer as he went along. Until, it ended up being today where he was lying in bed with his friends taking care of him.

"Just face it, you're ill and you need our help." Jimin spoke as he lightly dabbed a damp towel onto Taehyung's burning hot forehead.

Before Taehyung could counter his statement, a cough slipped through his mouth causing Jimin to glare at him with a 'don't-even-try' look.

Taehyung sighed and rolled his head over to look outside at the foliage surrounding his cabin.

"You know why this is happening don't you?" Seokjin spoke as he entered the room.

Taehyung's head remained still, looking outside as he nodded slowly.

"So are you going to go to him...?"

Taehyung flipped his head to face Seokjin with his worried expression, "No way! He doesn't even know what he is... what am I supposed to tell him?"

Jimin sighed, "Are you sure he wasn't just scared? I mean... It can't be possible, can it?" He put the question out there as the others walked in.

Namjoon sat down on the edge of the bed letting out a sigh, "I- It's possible."

Everyone turned their heads towards Namjoon, wanting an explanation.

"Well..." Namjoon began, "It's possible a high level wizard could have made him forget."

"What?!" Everyone shouted in unison. 

"They could have made a potion so strong that they can forget what they are... I've heard myths about it."

"Is there anything about how to reverse it in this myth?" Taehyung croaked out.

Namjoon looked at him with pity, "No, it says nothing about how to reverse it."

Everyone let out a heavy sigh as they looked at Taehyung with pity.

"I guess we'll have to do some research. We just have to be patient, okay guys?" Everyone nodded to Jimin's statement.

"Taehyung, I know this will be hard but... just avoid him for now, okay?"

"O- Okay..."


omg this was so shORT

I felt the need to end it here as if I made it any longer it would last a long time so

I was supposed to post this 6 hours ago but I gOT DISTRACTED--

hope you can try and enjoy this smh

bye bye ♥

// sorry for any mistakes. //

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