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[ 23RD APRIL 2016 ]

Two people walked side by side, holding hands as they wandered around the seemingly never-ending forest. They spoke about the littlest things, smiles sprung across their faces.

"So... How's Holly?" Jimin spoke as he looked at Yoongi, his pale skin causing him to glow in the sunlight.

"He's so cute! Seriously the other night he sneezed and-"

"Okay, okay. He's cute. I get it." Jimin laughed.

Bird's vocalized their thoughts as they walked, Jimin occasionally looking up at the sky. A butterfly darted past Jimin and he pulled Yoongi along as they chased after it, eventually losing it from their sight.

Minutes passed by and the two lovers eventually reached a clearing, their voices slowly fading out, only the sound of the slight breeze filling the forest.

Yoongi walked over to the lake and sat down whilst Jimin looked around, gazing at the butterflies that danced around.

Jimin's eyes searched the green-filled clearing until he saw... two bodies?

He began to walk over to the 2 silhouettes that lay still in the moving grass. His eyes become round as he walked anxiously towards the bodies, realising who they were.



The man shot up out of the bed, his eyes glowing a crimson red.

"Where am I?" The man asked as he shot up out of the bed he lay in, a growl ripping through his throat with his eyes blazing a crimson red.

Nobody answered him - even though he didn't give them time to - and he tried to get out of the bed, his mind full of fear and rage. For what reason? he didn't know himself.

"Hold him!" A voice called and he suddenly felt himself being pushed against the bed. A struggle began until he felt as if he was underwater, the voices slowly fading away as if he were sinking to the ocean bed.


"Taehyung, you have to stay strong."

Grass danced about in the breeze that seemed to lick against Taehyung's perfectly-shaped face. He looked around and saw a figure standing before him.

"Moon Goddess...?"

"You have to stay strong now Taehyung."

"W- Why?" He replied, the wind slowly getting worse.

"There's a fight coming. If you don't stay strong, you'll lose them Taehyung."

The wind was strong now, and Taehyung was struggling to even stand.

"Lose who?"

"Lose them. Lose your friends."

"Lose your mate."


Taehyung opened his eyes again, the sound of a constant beep filling his ears. He tried to get up but a hand pushed him down with force. He groaned at the sudden contact.

"Sorry, thought you were gonna lose it again." The voice of Namjoon entered Taehyung's ears and the said man looked up at Namjoon, a frown glittered on his pale face.

He blinked his eyes and saw that Namjoon wasn't the only one here; Jin was also here, writing down things in his book and he soon realised he was the clinic.

"I lost it...?" Taehyung asked, staring at the medical equipment surrounding him, "Wait... What happened?"

"We were planning on asking you. Yoongi and Jimin found you and Jungkook out in the woods and-"

Taehyung gasped as his memories came back, realising what had happened.

He touched his neck and instantly regretted it, hissing as a sting shot through his whole body. He looked around frantically and saw Jungkook, lying in the bed next to him.

"J- Jungkook," He called out, trying to reach over to him but he was stopped, not by anyone but the pain that went through his body.

He let a shout of pain ring through the clinic and the others rushed over to him again, worried for him.

"I told you to stop him from moving!" Jin screeched and he began to check up on Taehyung.

"I- I'm fine, It was just the sudden movement..." Taehyung replied, feeling sympathy for Namjoon who now knew he was totally sleeping on the couch.

"It's not just your neck, somehow you broke some of your bones, "Jin began, "Luckily you're a werewolf so they should heal quickly."

Taehyung shook his head and looked at Jungkook, "I don't care about me... Jungkook? Is he okay?"

Jin sighed at Taehyung's reply, "Yes, he's fine. He just has a couple scratches but nothing major. His body seems to be shocked by what's happened. Did he by chance transf-"

The others suddenly walked through the door holding blankets and Taehyung realised that he was freezing cold.

He shivered as the blanket touched his skin, a confused look on his face.

"You're staying here Taehyung, before you ask," Yoongi spoke as he finished covering Jungkook with extra blankets.

"I know you don't like staying here, I know you like your home but... I need you in sight." Jin spoke, checking some 'medical stuff' that Taehyung didn't understand.

"What happened, Taehyung?" They all asked him in unison.

"C- Can I talk about it tomorrow?" He asked, his voice becoming raspy as sleep began to take over.

The others looked at Taehyung and nodded, pity painted on their faces.

"You guys can go now, I'll stay here," Jin whispered and they nodded once again. Yoongi and Jimin left together whilst Namjoon gave Jin a peck on the lips, before turning and leaving.

Taehyung sighed and let his head fall against the pillow below him, his head turning towards Jungkook.

"There's a fight coming. If you don't stay strong, you'll lose them Taehyung."

The woman's voice rang through Taehyung's head as he looked at Jungkook.

"Lose them. Lose your friends."

"Lose your mate."

"Are you sure he's okay?" Taehyung's voice was laced with worry as he continued to stare at his mate's body.

"I'm sure Taehyung. I'm sure Jungkook is fine." Jin said as he turned on the lamp next to him, the sun slowly setting as the seemingly short day (for taehyung) came to an end.

Taehyung sighed, relief washing over him even though he already knew he was okay. He just needed someone to say it.

"I won't lose you Jungkook, I promise.

I promise I won't let anyone make me lose you."


okay this is terrible

anyway i hope you can enjoy this?? like it's almost 1000 words welp but tbh it's still a mess so...

anyway i hope you can enjoy this?? like it's almost 1000 words welp but tbh it's still a mess so

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anyway bye bye i'm gonna sleep  

// sorry for any mistakes. //

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