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[ 22ND APRIL 2016 ]

The smell of food lifted its way into Taehyung's nostrils as he stirred the noodles that were slowly cooking in the pan.

A ding rang into the room and Taehyung poured the noodles into a bowl, before placing the bowl on a tray with a small note on it that read, 

"I'm sorry."

He carried the tray and walked down the hall before stopping at a certain door. He hesitated a moment before knocking.

"J- Jungkook? I've made you some food."

Silence... That was all he'd been getting since he told Jungkook the truth. Honestly, Taehyung expected some sort of reaction. But this - knowing that his mate was ignoring him - it hurt.

A deep sigh escaped his lips before he placed the tray down on the floor outside the door, knowing Jungkook would take it later.


Taehyung walked outside and breathed in the scent of his home. He sighed, unable to smile knowing his mate wasn't happy. 

He walked out into the village, looking around at the small settlement the pack had built. He loved living here - he didn't like the idea of high-rise buildings and bustling streets. He preferred living in his small, cosy community. 

He walked around the small market where omegas, alphas, and betas all stared in astonishment at the items on sale.

He walked relaxed, staring around at the people. Truthfully, his mind was screaming at him in frustration and sadness.

Jungkook doesn't hate me, does he?

I shouldn't have told him.

But he needed to know...

Taehyung was snapped out of his daze when his shoulder collided with someone, and he quickly bowed in apology, explaining that he was lost in thought. The other person smiled and walked away, accepting his sorries. 

Taehyung turned back around to continue walking but his eyes met a certain store...

A plushie store.

His eyes lit up as he looked at all animal plushies that filled his view. He smiled and looked at them, remembering a memory of his.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Taehyung asked Jungkook for the nth time. They were returning from a check-up at the hospital. 

"I'm fine," Jungkook replied, smiling at Taehyung for reassurance.

Taehyung smiled back before looking straight again. It was cold, and so they had decided to walk through the market for a shortcut. Luckily, it was night time so there were only a couple people around.

Taehyung looked around and realized Jungkook was no longer walking with him. He looked around, already beginning to panic.

He sighed in relief as soon as he saw Jungkook staring at a store.

"There you a-" He stopped himself from talking as he saw Jungkook was in trance. What was he looking at?

Taehyung looked closer and realised it was plushie store. He smiled at the younger's cuteness and took a mental note of the store.


He smiled at the memory before looking down at his pockets. He grabbed his money out of them before walking over to the store.

"Mr. Kim!" The store owner spoke amazed before bowing, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Taehyung laughed, "I'm just buying something for my f- friend..." He spoke, mentally slapping himself for stuttering.

"Ah... Which one would you like?" The owner of the store asked, pointing towards certain ones as he decided.

"I'll take that one," Taehyung said as he pointed towards a pink, bunny plushie. The owner commended him on his choice and gave him the plushie once he'd paid.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Kim!" The woman shouted as he began to leave to store.

Taehyung walked out of the store to see that the sun had already started to set. He looked up at the starry sky and saw the large moon, standing out amongst all the other tiny stars.

"It's a full moon tonight," He whispered to himself before walking back home.


Taehyung hummed a tune and placed the carrier bag on the counter near to the entrance. He closed the door and grabbed the plushie out of the carrier bag.

He walked towards Jungkook's room, hoping that this would calm the younger's mind.

He saw that the food had gone and smiled... At least he's eating.

He knocked on the door, calling out the younger's name.

Silence. He expected that, yet he knocked again.

"I- I brought you something... Can you please open the door? Just this once?"

Silence. But something about this silence was different... There was an uneasy feeling that came with it.

Taehyung leaned his head against the door, using his wolf senses to hear for breathing.

No breathing. Nothing. Just silence.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he banged on the door continuously. He cursed and apologised to the door before kicking it and knocking it to the ground.

He rushed into the room shouting his mate's name only to be dumbfounded by the emptiness of the room. He looked out of the window and saw it was open, the white curtains flowing with the breeze that emerged from the outside.

He walked closer to the window and looked up at the night sky once again. The large moon shone brightly, but this time it didn't relax him - it made him worried. Very worried.

"I- It's a full moon..."

He let the words slip past his mouth even though they didn't make sense.

He started to change once but didn't completely shift, which was ages ago. Why would he change now...?

"Yes... Yes you are. You're a werewolf, Jungkook." 

The sudden realisation caused his jaw to go slack and his eyes to almost pop out of his head.

"I- It couldn't possibly be because..."

Taehyung knew he could have been wrong, or he could have been overdramatic... But he didn't care, he went with the feeling inside him.

The feeling that... His mate needed him.

The feeling that Jungkook needed him.


im sorry for all these cliffhangers (... not)

right now i have to go do mORE HOMEWORK-

school sucks man

i hope you enjoyed?

// sorry for any mistakes. //

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