Accident Part 1 (Chloe Price X Reader)

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(Y/N)= Your name.

(E/C)= Eye colour.

(H/C)= Hair colour.

(H/L)= Hair length.

Contains a little bit of swearing. Sorry if it's not that good, It's my first story. (:

746 words.

Enjoy! (:

It was a hot and sunny day in Arcadia bay. You walked towards Blackwell Academy, wiping the sweat from your forehead and furiously tugging the strap of your backpack over your shoulder with your other hand. 'Shit, I can't believe I actually have to join this hell hole of a school.. What the fuck has my life come to?' you thought to yourself, frowning. This was your first day attending Blackwell and you didn't want to, but your parents made you attend anyway. You sighed, walking a little slower just to make the journey longer. Just as you were about to cross the road, you felt something crash into you and the next thing you knew, you were on the floor.

You fell face first onto the pavement, cutting your knees and hands in the process. Your knee felt like it was on fire.

"Fuck..!" You cried out in pain, quickly sitting up and looking down at your leg. There was a huge hole in your jeans, exposing a nasty, deep cut on your knee. The surrounding fabric of your jeans was covered in blood. Tears filled your (E/C) eyes as you looked around, confused as to what knocked you over.

That's when you noticed a skateboard near by, and heard a groan coming from the left of you. As you turned your attention away from the skateboard, you looked over to the left and saw a girl laying on the floor, rubbing at her head. The girl didn't look much older than you, and the first thing you noticed about her was her bright blue hair, along with a colourful tattoo going all the way up her right arm.

"Holy fucking shit.." the girl mumbled as she slowly got up off the floor, still rubbing at her head. She hadn't seemed to notice you until you sniffled quietly. The girl turned her attention to you and her eyes slightly widened. She quickly walked over and kneeled down beside you, looking at your knee. "Damn, I'm so sorry! I didn't even see you there! Are you okay?" She asked, a guilty look on her face. "I-I'm fine.." You replied, covering your knee with your hand.

The blue haired girl didn't seem satisfied with your answer. She gently moved your hand away from your knee and took a bandage out of her pocket. "This might hurt a little.." She mumbled, slowly rolling up the leg of your jeans and wrapping the bandage around your knee. You watched her as she applied the bandage, trying to distract yourself from the stinging of your new injury.  'Man, she's actually kind of beautiful.' You thought to yourself, a slight blush creeping its way across your cheeks.

The girl finished applying the bandage, looking up from your knee and noticing that you were staring at her. "What are you looking at?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You blushed a little more, embarrassed that she caught you staring. "N-Nothing.. Thanks for helping me." You said as she helped you to your feet.

"Well it's the least I could do since I'm the one who knocked you on your ass." She said with a slight chuckle, reaching a hand out for you to shake. "I'm Chloe. Chloe Price." She said with a slight smirk. You shook her hand, noticing how soft her skin was. "I'm (Y/N), n-nice to meet you." You stuttered as you looked into her beautiful, bright blue eyes. This only made you blush all the more.

Chloe noticed and smiled, thinking that you were adorable. She picked your backpack up off the floor and handed it to you, before grabbing her skateboard.  "Hey, if you're not busy I could take you to the Two Whales diner for a hella good breakfast. I'll pay for your breakfast to make up for earlier." She said. You giggled and nodded, tucking a stray strand of (H/L) (H/C) hair out of your face. "That sounds good, just please try not to almost kill me again." You joked and she laughed. Chloe walked beside you as you both made your way towards the diner. 'Blackwell will have to wait until another day..' You thought as you readjusted you backpack over your shoulder, smiling to yourself as you walked with Chloe.

(This was just an example story, requested stories will be longer :3)

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