Comfort me (Kate Marsh X Reader)

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(Y/N)= Your name.

(E/C)= Eye Colour.

903 words.

Song is called Safe And Sound by Taylor Swift.

(This takes place a few weeks after Kate tried to jump off the school roof.)

It was 1 AM in the morning and no mater how hard you tried, you couldn't seem to get to sleep. You had been laying awake in your dorm room, overthinking things as usual. There was a certain someone on your mind, in fact, the same someone had been on your mind for a couple of nights now. Kate Marsh, the sweet and caring girl you had gotten to know over the past few months who was nearly bullied to death over a stupid video. You groaned in frustration, turning onto your other side to try and get more comfortable. "Damn it, I wonder how she's doing?.." You quietly mumbled, deciding to sit up since it seemed like sleep wouldn't happen anytime soon.

A few more minutes passed you by and you got up out of bed, deciding that a shower would probably help you relax. You walked over to your closet, grabbing a few shower items from it and then exiting your room, closing the door quietly behind you. You shivered as the cold air from the hallway hit your bare legs and arms, making goosebumps  form on your exposed flesh since you only had shorts and a t-shirt on. As you continued your way to the washroom, you stopped when you heard quiet sobbing coming from room 222. 

You froze for a moment, your heart sinking. 'Kate..' You thought as you turned to her door. After a few moments of hesitation, you quietly knocked on her door, saying in your most gentlest voice, "Kate it's me, (Y/N).. Is everything alright?"

Seconds passed and there was no answer. You sighed, just about to walk away but then a sweet voice stopped you. "Y-Yeah, come in.." Kate said quietly. You slowly pushed open her door and walked into her room, closing the door behind you. As you looked over at Kate, you could see that she looked stressed out. There was dried up tear stains on her cheeks, and her eyes were red and puffy from where she had been crying. Seeing Kate like this broke your heart and you frowned, walking over to sit by her on the bed after putting your shower items down on the floor.

"Kate, what's got you so upset?.. Are you being bullied again?" You asked, a worried look on your face as you gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Kate shook her head, sniffling before answering you. "N-No, it's nothing like that.. I'm just being stupid." She said with a slight frown, letting a few more tears fall down her cheeks.

You reached over to wipe the fresh tears from Kate's cheeks, shaking your head. "No Kate, you're obviously worried about something. Tell me what's wrong, you know you can tell me anything." You said quietly, keeping a hand on her cheek to comfort her. Kate blushed at the sudden contact, and she turned to face you, looking into your bright (E/C) eyes. "I-I guess I'm just worried that you won't feel the same way about me.." Kate mumbled quietly, shifting her eyes away from yours. 

You blinked, a little bit confused by what Kate just said. "What do you mean?" You asked, still looking at her. A moment of silence passed between the both of you before Kate spoke up again. "I-I've been thinking about you a lot lately." Kate blushed even more at her confession. "And I think I'm falling in love with you.. You're kind and you s-stood up for me when it seemed like everyone else was against me." Kate looked down, nervously playing with the sleeve of her Pyjama top. "I'm just scared that you don't feel the same.." She admitted, more tears threatening to fall. 

You sat there for a moment, stunned at what Kate just told you. Without thinking, you reached out and turned Kate's head so that she was facing you. You leaned in, making your lips collide with Kate's in a soft, gentle kiss. Kate froze up for a second, before wrapping her arms around your neck and kissing you back with the same gentleness. All you could think about was how soft her lips were against yours. 

You were the first to pull away, staying close enough to keep your foreheads touching. "O-Of course I feel the same way about you, Kate.. I have ever since we first met." You admitted to her, a blush creeping it's way across your face.

Kate smiled her first genuine smile in a long time, letting a quiet giggle escape her lips. "Oh, (Y/N).. You have no idea how happy you make me." She said, pulling you into a hug. You smiled, wrapping your arms around her and whispering, "I love you, Kate." 

"I love you, too." Kate said with another sweet giggle, laying back on the bed and gently pulling you down with her. You giggled also, laying beside her and tucking a strand of Kate's blonde hair behind her ear. Kate smiled at you, before resting her head under your chin and cuddling you. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." Kate said with a hint of sleepiness in her voice. You pulled the blanket over you both before wrapping your arms around her again. "Goodnight, my angel.." You said quietly, before drifting off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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