Beautiful to me (Rachel Amber X Reader)

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(Y/N)= Your name.

(E/C)= Eye colour.

1160 words.

(In this story, imagine that you just found Rachel in the darkroom, and got her to the hospital just in time to save her.)

You nervously sat in the waiting room of the hospital, your leg bobbing up and down continuously. You kept shifting your gaze to the little clock on the hospital wall. It was now 9:25 PM. Two and a half hours had passed since the nurses and doctors rushed Rachel into a room to examine her.

You'll never forget how terrified Rachel was when you found her in that awful place. You'll never forget the fear in her eyes. She looked so pale and vulnerable laying there on the floor, her wrists and ankles taped together to stop her from escaping. You had also noticed little marks on her neck. The marks looked as though they had been caused by an injection, clearly stating that she had been drugged. You clenched your fists and started to feel your blood boil in anger, thinking 'Who the fuck would do this to her?.. They'll be sorry when I get my hands on them.'

As you shifted your gaze back down to the floor, you started to feel tears building up in your eyes again. You struggled to hold them back, eventually giving up and letting a few roll down your cheeks. This was the third time you had cried since you got here. 

When you heard the door to Rachel's room open, your head quickly snapped up to see a nurse walking over to you. Before she even had a chance to speak, you got up and frantically started to question her, "I-Is she okay? How bad are her injuries? I-Is she going to survive..? Oh fuck, please tell me she's okay.." You managed to whimper, before bursting into tears again. The thought of losing your best friend was slowly starting to destroy you. When Rachel had first disappeared all of those months ago you had felt nothing but numbness in your heart. That is when you realized how in love you were with Rachel Amber.

The nurse gently placed a hand on your shoulder, trying desperately to comfort you. "Rachel is in a stable condition now, she just needs plenty of rest and she should be fine." She said in her most gentle voice, before speaking again. "She's conscious now, so you can go and see her if you'd like."

You quickly nodded, rushing over to Rachel's room and stopping at the door. Your heart was pounding so hard that you thought it was going to burst out of your chest at any moment. As you slowly reached for the door handle, you hesitated for a few moments before finally pushing open the door and walking into the hospital room.

Rachel looked over at you as you entered the room, her eyes immediately lighting up as soon as she saw your face. "(Y/N)!" She yelled weakly, trying to get up from the bed to hug you. You ran over to her before she had a chance to get up, pulling her into a tight yet gentle hug. You immediately started to sob into her shoulder, mumbling, "I..I never thought I'd see you again! You were gone for months and I felt so lost.. please don't leave me e-ever again.." was all you could say before your breath hitched in your throat from crying so much.

Rachel teared up, using her hand to gently rub your back. "Please don't cry (Y/N), I'm here now.. I'm never leaving you again, that's a promise." She said soothingly, before pulling away from the hug to look into your watery, (E/C) eyes. 

You sniffled, looking back into her beautiful hazel eyes, instantly feeling a lot more calmer. You couldn't help but notice how the light in room made it look as though Rachel's eyes had a hint of gold in them.  A small blush crept across your face and you instantly adverted your eyes away from Rachel's. "I was starting lose all hope of finding you.. I thought you were dead." You said quietly, frowning as you spoke again. "I should of gotten to you sooner, I'm such a fucking idiot.."

Rachel shook her head and frowned, putting both her hands on your shoulders. "Hey, don't even say that.. you saved me and that's all that matters." She said, attempting one of her most charming smiles. God how you loved that smile.

"Damn, I must look like death right now.." Rachel quietly mumbled, looking away from you with a sigh. You quickly shook your head telling her "You still look beautiful to me, Rachel.. I love you." Your eyes widened when you realized what you had just said. 'Shit, why did I just say that to her!? Now you've ruined everything, she'll think you're a creep!' you thought.

Rachel looked at you in surprise and you quickly got up, turning away to hide the blush on your cheeks. "I..I better go, I-I'll come back to see you tomorrow." You said quickly with tears in your eyes. "Wait!" Rachel said, gently grabbing your arm to stop you from leaving. You froze, thinking that she was about to tell you that she didn't want you to come back after what you just said. You hesitantly turned back to her, looking anywhere but into her eyes.

"You love me..?" Rachel asked, looking at you and waiting for an answer. You slowly looked at her, before nodding your head and frowning. "Y-Yeah, I do.. I can't help the way I feel about you. You make me happy, you know? ever since you came into my life everything has been so much better and I.. I love you." You said again, looking down at the floor and expecting her to tell you that your friendship is over.

It was silent in the room for a moment and you started to panic, but that panic quickly faded when you heard Rachel's sweet voice say "Come here and kiss me then." 

You blinked and looked up at her, not sure if you heard her right. "Wh-What?" you asked, confusion written all over your face. Rachel giggled lightly at the confused expression and then smiled, saying again "Kiss me."

You didn't even have to think twice before you leaned in and softy pressed your lips against Rachel's, using your hand to gently caress her cheek.  You and Rachel stayed like that for a few moments, just kissing and holding each other. 'She's safe in my arms now..'  is all you kept thinking over and over. 

After another few seconds passed you by, Rachel pulled away from the kiss to look into your eyes, that gorgeous smile on her perfect face again. "I love you, Rachel.." you whispered with a smile, wrapping your arms around her waist and gently pulling her closer into your embrace. Rachel rested her forehead against yours, closed her eyes and whispered back, "I love you too, (Y/N).."

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